Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator – Sales Cloud Applications Part 4
May 20, 2023

9. Creating Pricebooks and What is the Standard Price Book?

Price books. I’ve opened up the App launcher and I’ve gone to all items and I’m selecting price books. The recently viewed list view shows nothing. And so in order to see the Standard Price book from a List view standpoint, I need to create a new list view. So I’m going to click by the Gear icon here from any list view in Salesforce you can select New under List view Confirmed Trolls to create a new list view. So I’ve named this all price books. I’m going to allow all users to see this list view and click Save. And so now it has also filtered by Owner for All Price Books. And so this is kind of an oddity really with Salesforce and this kind of a long standing thing that I think happens out of the box with all new. Orgs is that there’s a standard price book called Standard and it’s active.

And then there’s an inactive one called Standard Price Book just to further confuse things. So you can create new price books by clicking New and entering a name and you can specify it as the Standard price book, which would disable the one called Standard as the Standard Price book. But before we do that, let’s look at one of these price books, the one that’s active.

And so we’ve got the setting that it is active, it’s not checked as a standard price book. Let’s look at related lists and here’s where you’ll find the products in this price book. And remember, we talked previously about list price, that’s in essence the suggested retail price in a way for these products. And you can also as well activate or deactivate products. So you may not want to delete a product. It’s something that for a certain time a product may be available for users to select and to add to an opportunity. But then you don’t want to delete that product from the price book because then that would potentially wreak havoc on historical opportunities and amounts.

Rather than deleting products, it’s suggested to just deactivate them. Now remember, we’ve got list price in the price book and then the sales price is what the sales rep actually sells the product for and the opportunity, the amount. And so let’s look at the other price book and let’s pin this list view to our new All Price Books list view, the standard price book which is not active, let’s click on that and it is checked as the Standard Price Book.

And the related list here has probably the same products as well. So I think that this is the way it came out of the box. I’m trying to remember because I created this a long time ago and I’m not sure if this is the date and time that I implemented this or if I inadvertently created another price book. And if you’ve recently worked through my first course in this course series, you may remember very vividly. Well, but one thing that you can do to check to see at what point you initiated an. org or sign up for a free is go to Company Information.

So I’m going to remember this date here and see if that is the same as what I see for the being created. And so, going to Company Information, this is kind of an aside here, but a good helpful tip to bear in mind and this is also common scenarios, you’ll often have to do some troubleshooting. So we see here October 30 of 2018 and this was quite some time ago because I’m well into 2019 at the time of this recording. So 11:32 A. m.

And so if we go back, we see that these were last modified at the same exact time that the was created. So memory does serve and this is something that probably is in your own organization as well. And it is a little messy. So you could delete one of these, I suppose, but I don’t want to do that. Let’s create a new price book. Let’s make it active. Let’s say that it is the standard price book and see if we can do that. I don’t think I can do that if there is already a standard price book. One actually. So that deactivated one is set as the standard price book. So we’ll click save. And so now once you’ve created a price book, the next thing logically is to add products to that price book.

So you could add products and here is where you can search for products and product records in your organization. This is different than Opportunity products which are line items on Opportunity that you can adjust the sales price for. These are the list price for these different products. Here you could add or create new products as well for that matter. But let’s search for some and add them to the price book and then let’s click Save. And then if we wanted to add additional products beyond what is out of the box in salesforce, we could click on the app launcher and select products. And this one, for whatever reason, has a list view for all products. I may have created that previously, I don’t remember, but let’s create a new product.

So I’m showing my age here elected to specify something that is now long considered illegal in this country. But when I was a kid, there was nothing funner than a rousing game of lawn darts. And if you’re especially idiotic like I was as a child, you would set one of the circles on the front of the house and the other circle in the backyard and you would throw them over the house and hope that you didn’t impel and kill your siblings. So yes, I did do that and everyone survived. But that is a clue as to why lawn darts are now illegal in this country at least, but probably still available in some countries. So you can specify a product family that’s not been configured. So I’m just going to say and this is lovely, you can select none or you can select none, which basically the nun with the dashes is no selection. But there’s actually a picklist value of none here. So we could set up product families by adding those on the product object. So let’s click save. And so now I’ve created a product.

Now guess what? I can add this to a price book by going to the related list and saying to add a standard price. By clicking there, I can add that to a price book. Now I want to add this to my example price book, the one the custom price book that I just created. And here’s where we set the list price. Let’s say that this is $100 lawn dart set and let’s click save. And wouldn’t you know it, I’ve got an error no standard price defined for this product. So I can’t check this box. So let me cancel out of this. Let me go back to the details and figure out what I’m doing wrong here. So I’ve got to add a standard price to the standard price book. That’s right. Okay. All right. A little confusing, but the standard price book, which is inactive, remember, the active one was called Standard.

There’s an inactive one which is called Standard Price Book. And it’s there that we set the standard price that’s kind of like the gold standard or the default list price for this product. So we’re going to say $100, click save. So we have to first add this product to the standard price book to then be able to add it to additional price books. So add to price book, we’re going to select the example price book, and the currency will be US dollars. And click next. And so now it pulls it in from the standard price. Or I can just say, hey, just use the standard price from the standard price book. Or I can say, don’t do the standard price. Let’s do something different because this is the example price book and click save. And so now we have a new price book entry. And so we see that this product is in our standard price book, and it’s in our example price book. So now that we’ve got this new product added to a price book, we can go into our opportunity. And what we could do, we’ve got three products now that were coming from the standard price book. The one that’s called standard, not the one that’s called standard price book.

 I know it’s confusing, but now let’s see what happens when we try and change price books. We choose price book. And a special note is that you can only select a price book to associate with this opportunity. You can add products only from the price book you associate with this opportunity. So we previously added products from the standard price book. But if I want to change to example price book that’s going to wipe out these three opportunity line items or it’ll show an error, I don’t recall. So let’s click save. And so it’s saying that we need to confirm the price book change. You have changed the price book for this opportunity. This action permanently deletes all products for the opportunity to continue. I’m going to go ahead and click Save and watch these disappear. Blammo. So now we go to details. And the revenue amount is still at $135,000. So that’s another special deeper caveat because, hey, we’re advanced admins now, right? Even though we’ve wiped out the Opportunity products, it has not retroactively or proactively gone in and adjusted the amount to zero. That’s probably for the best, but maybe not so cool. But let’s watch what happens if we select a different price book and let’s use our example price book and save that. So now we’ve got our price book associated. So remember, you can only have one price book associated per opportunity.

And so then we want to add products. We can add the products and we’ll pull in the products from the price book that we’ve selected or associated with the opportunity previously, which is the example price book now. So now finally, I can add my lawn dart set to this opportunity because who wants to buy a generator? We can actually buy a lawn dart set. So clicking next, this pulls in the sales price filled from the list price from our price book, which is a deviation from the standard price on the standard price book. You see how deep this can go? So $99, but we can change that and say, hey, I want to discount this because I really want this person to injure themselves or whatever nefarious reason you may want to encourage people to break the law and buy lawn dart sets. So now let’s click save.

And so now watch the amount changes to $90 because we set the sales price on our product on this opportunity to $90. Our sales price is then multiplied by the quantity of one. And so our amount is $90. So if we edit this to then change the quantity, for example, from one to three, for example, and click Save, you’ll watch the amount change accordingly. So products and pricing on opportunities can get very complex. But it’s important that you understand the limitations of having one price book associated with an opportunity, how the expected revenue and amounts are derived as well, and that you can create additional price books and set different list prices on those products by price book. That you can then change the sales price to deviate from the list.

10. Enabling Product Scheduling

Now we’ll look at product schedules and specifically Revenue Scheduling and Quantity Scheduling and we need to enable product schedules. So let’s search for schedule and you’ll find what you’re looking for under Product Schedules Settings. And here’s where you can actually enable one or both of these options such as Quantity Scheduling and or Revenue scheduling. And another helpful resource before we get into into these other selections here is this help for this page, and this will give you more details on the differences between these different schedule types.

And so this line item number three speaks to what these sub check boxes are as far as enabling quantity scheduling for all products related to Revenue schedules and Quantity schedules. So what that means is that for each schedule type you enable, select whether to automatically enable that schedule type for every product in your price books. This option automatically selects the Quantity Scheduling enabled or Revenue Scheduling enabled checkboxes on every product. So I’ll show you what the impact of that is in the price book here momentarily, but let’s go ahead and select all four and click Save. But I wanted to go back into Product schedules because I feel like there’s not a lot of in depth knowledge of product scheduling that’s required on the admin exam. But on Advanced Admin you want to be sure you’re familiar with the impact of the product scheduling. So if we hit one of our price books that we previously created, let’s look at a product.

And of course, I want to look at my example price book because it’s there that I can find my lawn dart set, which is near and dear to my heart, if you can’t tell at this point. So let’s look at our London Art set. And so now you see that it’s already got the Revenue scheduling enabled checkbox checked and the Quantity scheduling enabled as well. And so if we look at all the products in our price books, they all will have those checkboxes checked because we previously selected those sub checkboxes. So that’s the impact of that. So now you can from a product, you can actually create a new opportunity. For example, let’s go at it this way and select New Opportunity. We will enter in a name, select an account, and then the close date is roughly three months from today and select a stage and I won’t set an amount. Let’s save this. We can click on that to pull up that opportunity. Now, I wanted to test that and see you noticed that there are no products with that opportunity.

So I wanted to clarify that. So when you’re on a product, if you select new opportunity, it does not add that product to the opportunity that you just created. So I wanted to mention that as well. You could also create a new contact or case. These are just some quick actions that are available from the product object. And so let’s go to that opportunity then and let’s find it first of all. So here it is, this example app with products and let’s actually add a product now. And of course we’re going to add the laundart set. And I’ve associated a price book with this opportunity. And now let’s select the lawn dart set. Click next. And so now let’s select a quantity. We’ll do twelve, the sales price. We can discount or upsell this and that’s pulled in from the list price once again from the price book. And so let’s charge more and let’s click save. Now we’ve got a quantity of twelve at a sales price of $199 each. So let’s look at the details here and we see the revenue is 23 88 and the expected revenue is a 10th of that. And so now if we change the stage of this, the percentage of the probability will increase and then the expected revenue will increase accordingly. The expected revenue is calculated from the amount times the probability. So let’s change the stage to a higher stage in the process towards closure. And this ID decision makers has a probability of 60%. All of this is customizable as well.

But let’s watch what happens with the expected revenue now. And so now this expected revenue is 60% of that. Let’s go ahead and close this with a stage of closed one and that gives us the 100%. That means we’ve won the business, let’s save that. And then that’s a really odd error. It’s warning me that this has been edited by me and that’s really bizarre. I know why it is because I changed the stage designation with the path, but I didn’t select the closed stage. Let me just get this back to where it was. All right, so, well, actually I changed the stage to perception analysis. Now let’s change the stage once and for all to closed one and click save. And now we should see the expected revenue match the amount. So now let’s take the scheduling further and I’ll show you in the next lesson how to specify and further set up revenue and quantity scheduling for.

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