Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator – Sales Cloud Applications
May 18, 2023

1. Course and Sales Cloud Applications Introduction

Welcome to part two of my advanced Admin certification course series. Now, the first knowledge area in this course is the Sales cloud applications knowledge area. I’ve got the exam guide open here, and the two bullet points that need to be covered in this knowledge area have to do with explaining how to customize and maintain products, price books, schedules and quotes, and then also to describe the capabilities of forecasting that would be category, hierarchy and quotas. So we’ll be covering all of that in this knowledge area. So let’s get started in the next lesson and I’ll see you there.

2. Specifying a Parent Account / Account Hierarchy Creation

Be dealing extensively with Sales cloud applications. So I wanted to start off by launching the Sales application from the app launcher and just to give you a brief overview of some of the objects that we’ll be dealing with primarily as it relates to Sales. We’ll be dealing heavily with Accounts. We’ll also be touching Contacts campaigns and opportunities as well throughout the duration of this particular knowledge area and section of the course. One thing I wanted to note on that pop up as well was this mention of how you can now pin a specific list view.

And how that works is oftentimes when you go back to a tab, it brings up the recently viewed list view, which may not be too helpful. And you may want to instead pull up All Accounts, for example, or some particular list view and you can pin that so that it comes up whenever you click on the Accounts tab again, for example, or whatever tab you’re wanting to click on. So if I go back to Accounts, it should show All Accounts because I pinned that one you noticed that Contacts is showing recently viewed. So let’s go back to Accounts and it is the All Accounts list view which is now pinned. To change that, you can just unpin that and pin another list view. And so that is orgwide functionality and not just specific to the Sales application, but to any list view in Lighting experience now. And so I wanted to start off in Accounts and talk about account hierarchy.

That’s something that’s not really covered in the admin exam, but in the advanced admin you need to understand the impact of account hierarchy and the access to data specifically. So we’re going to go over how to set up account hierarchy and some ins and outs of data access. And so we are on an account that’s available in your free Salesforce account, that’s Burlington Textiles Corp. Of America. If we go to the Details tab on this account, you see that there’s a field here for a parent account. And if we introduce a parent account, then this will in essence create an account hierarchy between these accounts that we specify. So I’m going to set a parent account, so let’s create a new account that will be the parent to this particular account.

And you can see when you’re creating a new account, you could actually specify a parent account for this account as well. So you can go several levels deep in an account hierarchy. And so I’ve created a new account called burlington textile global. You see the Toast message here say that that new account has been created. And so now I’m going to make that new account, the parent account to this Burlington Textiles Corp. Of American. Click save. And so now we have an account hierarchy. And in the next lesson I’ll show you how you can view this account hierarchy and we’ll discuss further about data access.

3. Account Hierarchy and the Impact on Data Access

So now let’s talk about how we can view the account hierarchy. Now so far our hierarchy consists of a child account, which is the one that we’re on here, burlington Textiles Corp. Of America, and then a parent account of Burlington Textile Global, which you can see more details on the parent account by hovering over it. But in a real world scenario, oftentimes you could have dozens or even hundreds of accounts inside of a hierarchy. So in order to visualize where a particular record is in the hierarchy, you can click on the down arrow here from the record and select View Account hierarchy.

And then this will show you a visual representation of the current account that you’re on and then any other accounts in the hierarchy. I want to speak briefly about the impact on data access. Just because you have access to a particular account in a hierarchy doesn’t mean that you would have access to the accounts below them as well. And so just because if you have the rights to access Burlington Textile Global doesn’t mean that you would have access to edit records beneath the parent account. And many people assume that if a user does have access to a parent account, then they have access to the children accounts as well. But in the account hierarchy, that does not dictate the access rights that you have to the various accounts in the hierarchy.

Now the role hierarchy and territory hierarchy work that way, but account hierarchy does not. So keep that in mind. That may be a scenario driven question on the exam. And so just recognize that just because you have access to the parent doesn’t mean that you’ll be automatically granted access to the children as well. Now another thing to note is these different columns in the account hierarchy view and the way you can adjust this and these default to the recently viewed list view on accounts. But let’s say you want to change the different columns here. The way you would do that is you can go into Object Manager, let’s go into Setup and then select Object Manager and then let’s select Account. And then the bottom option here is hierarchy columns. Now when we want to change this, as I mentioned, it’s just defaulted to the recently viewed list view. But if we want to change that, we can create a new list view in essence for hierarchy columns for account hierarchy.

And so you could select account name, for example, account owner alias and a few other fields here will add as different columns. And we’ll go ahead and put Parent account here. I’ll go ahead and click Save. And so now the account hierarchy columns were created. So if we go back here, let me refresh this and see if this change is picked up. And so now we have adjusted the account hierarchy as far as the columns that are displayed. And then also one other thing to note is that whenever you do create a custom account hierarchy column display, it will add a new list view for the accounts tab. Let me see if I can find that. And it’s this one here. This account hierarchy is a new list view that’s been added as well. So this basically gives you the same columns as in your account hierarchy.

 And so you can see those same columns are represented here. And so the parent account is a column in this list. You can see that there’s a hierarchy here for Burlington Textile, but a lot of these other ones are not in a hierarchy. Now we can go several levels deep as well. So we’ve got the parent account here. We’ve got a child here. So let’s say that we want to make Burlington Textiles Corp. Of America a parent to another account. So I’m going to select Dickinson Plc and go to the Details tab and select the parent account of Burlington Textile Corp. Of America and click Save. And so now if I go into the account hierarchy by selecting View Account hierarchy, we see now that this is three levels deep. So do bear in mind that you can adjust the columns of the account hierarchy and that is done from the object manager and set up. And also that account hierarchy doesn’t automatically dictate the access that you have to the child accounts just because you have access to a parent account. And so now that we’re on the subject of accounts and looking at account hierarchies, I also want to look at another item item here that’s available that sometimes gets confused with account hierarchy. I’ve had students get that confused, and that would be account teams. And these are oftentimes known as sales teams as well. So we’ll look at account teams in the next lesson.

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