ISTQB CTFL Certified Tester Foundation Level – 2018: Testing Throughout The Software Life Cycle Part 4
April 11, 2023

9. Test Levels : Component Testing

The D model discussed earlier, there were different test stages. They are often called test levels. Test levels are groups of test activities that are organized and managed together. Each test level is an innocence of the testing process performed in relation to the software at a given level of development from individual units or components to complete systems or where applicable, systems of systems. Test levels are related to other activities within the software development lifecycles.

The digital levels of testing are unit or component testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing. Each test level has its own concerns and issues that we need to consider. Test levels are characterized by the following attributes specific objectives test bases which are the source that we can use to drive test cases for that level test object for example, what is being tested, typical defects and failures and specific approaches and responsibilities. To understand the whole idea better, think of building a car. It has a lot of components. Before assembling the car, you need to make sure that each component is working perfectly well by itself. So you put some tests on each component individually.

That’s component or unit testing. After making sure that each component is working fine, you will start adding the components one by one. When you add a new component, you want to make sure that it works with the various components quite well before moving along. So you want to make sure that the newly added component interacts and integrates well with the other component.

That’s integration testing. Now the whole car is built and looks great, but you must do a test to drive and try as many scenarios as possible. Like moving uphill. Try it on a TV road or Bombay road. That’s system testing. So the car looks great and beautiful and works fine, but the buyer still must try it first before purchasing it. That’s acceptance testing back to the software world. Each of these test levels will include tests designed to uncover problems specifically at that stage of development.

These levels of testing can be applied to any development model, and they may vary depending on the development model objective. In addition, for every test level, a suitable test environment is required in acceptance testing. For example, a production like test environment is ideal, while in component testing, the developers typically use their own development environment for testing. Let’s talk about each test level one by one, starting with component testing. Component testing is the lowest level of testing. Also known as unit or module testing focuses on components that are usually tested in isolation. Unit testing is usually done by the programmers, as they are the best persons to know the code that constructs the component. So usually developers alternate component development with finding and fixing defects. Unit testing is intended to ensure that the code written for the unit meets its specification barrier to its integration with other units.

Objectives of component testing include reducing the risk of delivering a bad component verifying whether the functional and nonfunctional behaviors of the component are as designed and specified building confidence in the component quality finding defects in the component preventing defects from escaping to higher test levels. Test Basis as we have mentioned before, test Basis are the documents that we use as the basis of reference to perform the testing. Examples of worker products that can be used as a test basis for component testing include detailed design code data model component specifications test Objects so what do we test while we are doing component or unit testing? The answer is components.

Thus, test objects can be components, units or modules code and data structures classes, database modules components are small beaches of code developed by developers. Unit testing requires access to the code being tested. Specification approaches and responsibilities. So all we want to do here is making sure that the developer delivers a perfectly working unit and not leave it to the tester to find CD mistakes as a component. Component testing may cover functionality. For example, correctness of calculations non functional characteristics for example, searching for memory leaks and structural properties for example, decision testing. We will know more about those in future videos. Component testing is often done in isolation from the rest of the system depending on the software development, lifecycle model and the system which may require mark objects, service, virtualization harnesses stops and Drivers let me explain what stops and drivers are using the car assembly example. Again, some components of the car can be tested in isolation by itself.

But some other components might need some sort of external tools, wires and maybe external bars to help test a component and software. We call those helpers stops and drivers. Imagine if a developer implemented this piece of code to calculate the salary of an inbree. Don’t worry, you don’t need to know any programming languages to understand this. Just go along. In this unit, the developer needs to interact with another component called Calculate Bonus. But unfortunately, this unit is not ready yet. So what the developer should do? Well, he might write or create a fake piece of code and name it Calculate Bonus. It’s not the final version for sure yet, but it’s there only to help the developer test his Calculate Salary unit. So what should he do or write? Is the Calculate Bonus code the bare minimum? We don’t want the new code to produce bugs by itself. So we might let the Calculate Bonus code just returns $1,000. So while we test our Calculate Salary code, we will assume that all employees will receive a $1,000 bonus. In our example, the Calculate Bonus piece of code is called Stub. So a stub is a dummy code used for testing in place of a cold component.

Now, if we want to test the Calculate Salary unit, we need to write code to run it. It cannot be executed by itself in many languages. The first start point of the software to run is a functional called the main function. So in our case, we would write a main function to call our calculate salary. Now, this main function is written only for testing purposes and it’s called driver. So a driver is a drama code used for testing in place of a caller component. In some cases, especially in incremental and iterative development models. For example Agile, where coded changes are ongoing, we would like to save the developers the time to do unit testing with every change manually. So automated component regression tests play a key role in building confidence that the changes have not broken existing components. Automated testing means we automate the way we do the testing. So the computer would run a script to run the tests for us instead of doing it manually. So far, so good. Now I want your clear attention to what’s coming next.

As you know, developers will create the components, then they will test those components. So developers will often write and execute tests after having written the code for a component. Okay? However, in Agile development, especially writing automated component tests may be seed writing application Code this is an approach development called test driven development or TDD. So the developers here start with writing the automated test cases. Then they write the code to fulfill those automated tests. Of course, the first time the developer runs the tests when there’s no actually any code written yet, everything fails. Developers then will write the code bit by bit and continuously runs the automated test scripts correcting mistakes till finally all the scripts pass, which means coding is done. That’s why we call it Test driven development. The tests are the ones that drive our way to development. Later, the developers can refactor or refine or clean the code.

Projects that use TDD are highly iterative. Tested driven development is an example of test first development. While Tested driven development originated in Extreme Programming XP, which is one of Agile as well, it has a spread to other forms of Agile and also to sequential life cycles. As you don’t need to know much about TDD as it is explained in detail in the Agile extension is to TD certificate, so we only need to know that it exists. Typical defects and failures that can be found during component testing are incorrect functionality, for example, not as described in Design specification data flow problems or incorrect code and logic defects found during unit tests are often not recorded with formal defect management systems and developers can fix them instantaneously. However, when developers do report defects or during component testing, it will be for the purpose of providing important information for root cause analysis and the process improvement.

10. Testing Levels : Integration Testing

Now that each unit has been proven to be working correctly, individually and ready to go, the next level would be to put those units together to build the system. This is what we call integration. At this stage, testers concentrate slowly on the integration itself. For example, if they are integrating module A with module B, they are interested in testing the communication between those modules, not the functionality of the individual module, as that was done already during component testing. Test basis thus, examples of work of products that can be used as a testerbases for integration testing include software and system design, sequence diagrams, interface and communication protocol specifications use cases architecture at component or system level workflows external interface definitions and the test objects typically are subsystems databases, infrastructure interfaces, APIs and microservices.

Objectives of integration testing Integration testing focuses on interactions between components or systems. Objectives of integration testing include reducing risk, verifying whether the functional and non functional behaviors of the interfaces are as designed and specified building confidence on the quality of the interfaces finding defects which may be in the interfaces themselves or within the components or systems preventing defects from escaping to higher test levels. As with component testing, in some cases automated integration regression tests provide confidence that the changes have not broken existing interfaces, components or systems.

There are two different sub levels of integration testing described in this service component integration testing, which focuses on the interactions and interfaces between integrated components and is performed after component testing. This type of integration testing is usually carried out by developers and is generally automated in Iterative and incremental development. Component integration tests are usually part of the continuous integration process. System integration testing, which focuses on the interactions and interfaces between systems, packages and micro services. So we are talking about bigger test objects here. Systems system integration testing can also cover interactions with and interfaces provided by external organizations, for example, web services. To use the example of the car, system integration is done when the whole car is already assembled and tested and you want to try the car with another system, say a camper.

The car is working perfectly fine by itself and the camper is working fine by itself and now we want to try the two together, especially the hedge part, which connects the car to the camper. This is system integration testing. To have an example from the software industry, a trading system of an investment bank will interact with the stock exchange to get the latest prices for its stocks and shares on the international market. This type of integration testing is usually carried out by testers. In this case, the developing organization doesn’t control the external interfaces, which can create various challenges for testing, for example, ensuring that tester blocking defects in the external organization’s code are resolved, arranging for test environments, and so on.

System integration testing may be done after system testing or in parallel with ongoing system test activity in both sequential or iterative and incremental development. Ideally, testers should understand the architecture and influence integration planning. If integration tests are planned before component or systems are built, maybe we can build those components in the order required for most efficient testing.

Typical defects and failures for component integration testing, typical defects and failures include incorrect data, missing data or incorrect data encoding incorrect sequencing or timing of interface calls interface mismatch failures in communication between components unhandled or improperly handled communication failures between components, and incorrect assumptions about the meaning units or boundaries of the data being passed between components. Examples of typical defects and failures for system integration testing include inconsistent method structures between systems, incorrect data, missing data or incorrect data encoding, interface mismatch failures in communication between systems, unhandled or improperly handled communication failures between systems, incorrect assumptions about the meaning units or boundaries of the data being passed between systems, and failure to comply with mandatory security regulations.

Specific Approaches and Responsibilities for integration Testing functional, non functional and structure test types are applicable. We will explain those later. In addition, there are various integration strategies. The first one, Big Bang integration, where we integrate a bunch of units together in one single step, resulting in a complete system. The problem with this kind of integration that it looks like building the system faster, but in real life it’s much more time consuming. Either because we would have to wait till we have a bunch of units ready to integrate or for the fact that when testing of this system is conducted, it’s difficult to isolate any errors found. We have an error caused when few units have been added, so each unit caused the error. It’s hard to know.

But on the other hand, there are more systematic integration strategies that are usually based on the system structure. For example, top down integration or bottom up integration, or integration based on functional tasks, transaction processing sequences, or some other aspects of the system or components. In such systematic strategies, where we usually integrate the components one by one, it’s much easier to isolate and detect defects. Early integration should normally be incremental meaning a small number of additional components or system at a time rather than big bank.

The greater the scope of integration, the more difficult it becomes to isolate defects to a specific component or system, which may lead to increased risk and additional time for troubleshooting. This is one reason that continuous integration where software is integrated on a component by component basis, for example, functional integration has become common practice. Such continuous integration often includes automated regression testing, ideally at multiple test levels. Finally, risk analysis of the most complex interfaces can help to focus the integration testing.

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