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Organizational & User Setup

4. UI Customization for Admins

Now we're going to take a look at the user interface settings that you, as a salesforce administrator, can change for all your users within So I'm in the setup section of salesforce, which I got to by simply clicking setup in the upper right-hand corner of salesforce, and you'll notice that a menu appears, which basically contains all of the configuration options for how you configure salesforce. Now what I'm after is the user interface. So I'll search for user interface, and it has a nice little quick search that allows you to search for anything in this menu on the left side. So as you can see here, the user interface is under customized.So if I actually get rid of that and go back to this, if I scroll down, I can see there's a customise option here, and I could open up that scroll to the bottom, and there is the user interface. So if I click in there, that's the same as getting to it as if I were searching for it as well. And you'll see that these are all basically the key customization settings you can make to the user interface that affect everyone in your sales force. Now there are some things in here that you want to switch on and some things that really should be switched off, and one of those is Salesforce. This option is called Quick Create. So if I load up an opportunity, you can see here on the left-hand side that we've got this Quick Create. Now, Quick Create is pretty evil because what it does is bypass things called validation rules, which are the rules that you put in to say when records can be created or edited, and you want rules to say "hey." You must enter this field or fill out this form in a specific manner, and clicking Create overrides that and allows that record to be created regardless of all your validation rules. So you can bypass data quality checks and things like that. So, when I get a, the first thing I do is go in here and check the box next to the ticket, then click save. When I return to my opportunity page and refresh, there is no longer a Create button. But users can still create opportunities if they want by clicking the new button from here. So if I go back to my user interface section, the next one I quite like switching on is the collapsible sidebar. Now if I go back to my opportunity page, you'll see here that this is the main area or main pane where you're navigating the records and looking at records. Now if you've got a smaller screen or an older laptop, it might be that this resolution is actually a lot smaller and you get kind of crushed information, and it'd be really great if this sidebar could just collapse away, and that's exactly what this option does. So if I enable the collapsible sidebar and save, and then return to my opportunity and refresh it now, this little arrow appears. Now I can collapse away that sidebar or bring it back, so any of your users can do that. Again, another feature that really should be switched on by default. So we'll go back to our user interface. The other things that I usually enable are the click and create events on calendar views and the drag and drop scheduling on list views. And also, if you scroll a bit further down, you'll see an option that says "Enable improved setup user interface." This is currently checked, owing to the fact that there are two versions of it on the left hand navigation. There's the old version and the new version. Now the new version structures all the different features and functionality in a much better way than the older version doesn't. So it might be that if you're coming into a company and you see the setup menu that looks completely different from what you expect, then it might be because this is currently disabled. So if you look at this, I've currently got it enabled, and you've got administer, build, deploy, and monitor as the main sections, with everything kind of broken down nicely within it. Now, if I turn this off and click Save, if I collapse that, you can see you only have three sections of personal setup, app setup, and administration setup, and they're all there; it's just a lot more difficult to find things. So I generally make sure that I switch that on as well. So if you scroll down here, enable the improved set-up user interface. Now there's another setting I want to show you. Now if I search in here for profiles and click profiles, Now profiles are things that you assign users, and they set up all the permissions that you want to give that user when they access Salesforce. So it could be seeing this set of records, or seeing opportunities or not seeing opportunities, or something along those lines, but there are two perspectives on it. So if I scroll down and look at the system administrator, if I click on that, you can see here that all the options are all on one big page, and this is the old view of a profile, and it's a little harder to find things. It's kind of scrolling around, trying to find everything, and it's a little bit of a pain. So what you can do is go down to the option underneath, which is user management settings, and click that. You'll see here that there are these enhanced profile list views and enhanced profile user interfaces. Now make sure these are switched on in, and do that right now because I'm going to be continuing this course, assuming that these are switched on. So make sure you dive into user management settings and enable these too. But if we go back to profiles and then into system administrator, you'll notice that you get a completely different view, and all of these permissions are organised into nice little groups. So you've got app permissions and system permissions, and you've also got a great little search up here where you can search for different permissions and you can kind of dive in and make those customizations to your system, which makes it a lot better. So that's about it. So we've just gone through those user interface settings that will affect all the users as well as some settings that can be changed to make the setup menu and the setting up of SalesForce a lot more enjoyable. Anyway, if you do have any questions, be sure to post them in the comments. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you in the next video.

5. Company Profile

Before we dive into the company profile, let's take a look at a high level of what's inside it. First, we have the company information. Now, this information is basically high-level address information about, your details, some statistics about API calls, and ID. Then we have fiscal years. Now this is where you can define your company's fiscal years. You can either use a standard fiscal year or you can create your own custom fiscal years. Then we have business hours that fit the times when your business is open and closed. Then you can define holidays. So when you've got public holidays or religious holidays that you want to put into your and then language setup, this is the default language for your as well as what languages are available. And finally, we have data protection and privacy, and this allows you to combine all the different records you may have for an individual customer within your and link them to one record that holds their privacy and data protection information within it.So let's dive in and take a look at this. So to get into the company profile, you just need to click on Set Up at the top of the screen, and then if you scroll down here just under Administrator, you'll see Company Profile, but you can also just type it in the search box at the top as well. If you can spell it right and you'll see the company profile, you've got company information, which is the first option in there. Now, this is actually broken up into five sections. The first section is the kind of high level organisational detail, so we got the name that you set up your organisation as your name and then your address information and phone numbers, and like that you can also sign up for the admin newsletter so any admins get the newsletter as well as if you want to hide the maintenance system messages that appear when users log into Salesforce to say when Salesforce is downtime. And then we have some of the organizationalwide defaults of the locale and language settings, as well as the time zone, and essentially locale is the currency symbols that will be used, and this is basically defaults. so when I create a new user, it will use this information, and also if I'm doing any configuration, like creating fields, then it's assumed that English is the language of that label in the field when we create it, but we'll get more into that later on. Then we got used to data space and file space. So, depending on the type of organisation you have, you get different spaces and you can actually click the view button so we can dive into a little more detail of what the usage currently is and you can see there the limits and how much you're being used. as well as which Salesforce objects would be used How much storage? and the top data usage, and things like that. which is kind of handy. And the same thing goes for file space. And then we get API usage. So this is really for external applications that are talking into SalesForce, and every time they talk in, that's essentially an API call. And you have a pretty strict limit on the number of API calls you can make. And depending on what type of organisation you have, you get more or fewer API calls. As this is a, you get quite a few, but you don't get that many; it's only about 15,000. And then one of the really useful bits of information is your ID, which is this here. This is now a unique identifier for So when you're talking to SalesForce, they may ask for a ID. Or if you're talking to an app exchange or a partner, they may ask for the ID as well. And then what type this is. So is it, is and things like this. So you can kind of understand what features are available within, as this is a developer edition and you pretty much get everything. And this is really shown on the user licences, which is the next step down. So if you ever look at this inyour, you'll probably only see one, whichis your salesforce user licenses, maybe a couplemore depending on what you purchase from salesforce. But with the developer OG, we get a selection of all these different types of user licenses, so we can play around with them. So if we open that up and show a couple more, you can see there are loads in here. So at the moment when you firstcreate that salesforce, salesforce automatically createsyou with your first user. So that's why there's only one user licence already gone.And we've got a total of two user licences of this type. Now, what exactly is a user license? When you create a user in Salesforce, you must assign them a user license, which must be one of the ones on this list. And you can only assign one of these user licences to a user, which is quite important to understand. So I couldn't be both a salesforce have asalesforce user licence and a salesforce platform user license. I can only be set up with one, which is the salesforce license, which is kind of like the broadest access to salesforce, pretty much. Obviously, here we've got one remaining license, and if you've got any trial licenses, you'll have an expiration date here as well. The following section is permission set licenses. So I could have any number of Permission Set Licenses assigned to my user account. So I could be an analytics cloud builder as well as an analytics cloud explorer. But as you can see, these two are both disabled. So I don't have access to these, but I could give myself Identity Connect or Orders platform access. Then, at the very bottom, we have feature licenses, which are licences that are typically found on the user detail page. So when we create a user, you'll see these little check boxes. So you'll see there's a checkbox for marketing users. You can enable a user as a marketing user. And you can see that they're already checked on my user licence because I've used them up, but I still have a couple of licences left to use, one licence left to use. And then finally, right at the bottom, we have usage-based entitlements. So as you can see, it's in beta, but essentially, usage-based entitlements are around the portal, the Salesforce portals, where you want to give access to, say, all your customers access to your portal.So they can register support requests or log opportunities or something like this. But, you know, you've got 10,000 customers, but, you know, only a small proportion of those are going to log in. So what you can do is talk to SalesForce and say, "Actually, I want to have a usage-based entitlement." So instead of charging me for 10,000 customer accounts, I want to get charged on the number of times those customers log in in a month. So you can say, "I'm going to get 50 logins a month." So it allows me to allow the customers to log in 50 times, but after that, I'm going to have to buy some more to increase that capacity. So, that's the usage and time. And as you can see, I don't have any of those at the moment. So next on the list are fiscal years. Now, with fiscal years, there are actually two types of fiscal years. There's your standard fiscal year, and there's your custom fiscal year. Now, the fiscal years are used in forecasting reports and quotes, and that's where they're really affected. So you can use the standard fiscal year, which is basically the Gregorian calendar fiscal year. And we can basically say, "Okay, our fiscal year kind of follows the standard quarter-year type of financing, and we can start it at a specific month in the year." So we can say May, and it starts at the end of the month, and we're going to say that. Are you absolutely sure? Yes. And now I've set up my fiscal year starting in May using the standard Gregorian candled up.But what I can do is use a custom fiscal year. If your company doesn't use kind of like a standard fiscal year where you're using quarters and things like that, it may be that you're using a 13-week quarter rather than a three-month quarter, say, and this is where you can customise what that is. Now, one thing you've got to know is that once you enable custom fiscal years, you can't go back to standard fiscal years, but it's not the end of the world because you can implement the same standard fiscal year setup in custom fiscal years. So it's not the end of the world, but it's just something to understand for the exam. Next up, we have business hours. So the business hours are really used for case management support. So at the moment, when you first create a Salesforce devOp, it just sets up the default business hours, which are 24 hours a day. So your company is basically working 24 hours a day. And these business hours are set to the Pacific Daylight Time Zone, which doesn't really matter because it's 24 hours anyway, and they're set as the default business hours. Now, what you can do, and what this is used for, is case management. So if I create a case within the case management system within salesforce, which is basically support, I can say that this customer has VIP support, and therefore they get access to support hours that are extended. As a result, instead of nine to five support, the hours could be extended to 24 hours. So to kind of work with that, I can create a different set of business hours that support that kind of extended period of time. Or it may be that you have different business hours because you work in different countries and different countries have slightly different working hours. So again, you can set these up, and we can set new business hours in here by giving it a name, whatever that name is. It could be San Francisco business hours, and then choose when those times are going to start and end. And we can do that for everything else. We click Save, and there we have the San Francisco business hours that we can apply. And that's essentially it. Next, we have holidays. Now, holidays, I've already actuallycreated one for Christmas Day. Now, these are basically public holidays and times of the year when your company's not working. And it may not be the entire company. It may be a specific business hour because these are all related to business hours. So for business, I created a business hour in San Francisco. So I'm actually going to create a holiday which iscalled to all You San Franciscans san Fran Holiday. So they have a day off every year, and I'm going to say it's the 10th of August every year that they get off. And it's a long day, and it's a recurring holiday because they have it every single year. So I'm going to repeat it annually. So essentially I'm saying, "Okay, for the Sam Franbusiness hours, I am going to allow them a day off if they're within those business hours." So that was my 10th of August. I'm going to save that, and now I'm going to add it to the business hours. So I'm going to click Add, and you can see now I can add it to the default business hours, but I can't add it to the San Francisco hours. And that's because if we go back to business hours and click San Fran, I haven't made it active. So we click edit, click active, and click save. Now, this is a common thing you'll find all over Salesforce when you create workflows. When you create things like this, there's this little active flag, and if you don't kick it, it won't appear. So we go back to holidays. Now you see the San Francisco holiday. It's not assigned to any business hours yet, but now when we click Add, we can see the Sam Fran business hour, and we can sign it and click Save, and there we have it. So now we have Add two business hours, our default hours, and our Sam Fran business hours. So now we're into the language settings. Now I think of language settings, basically, in two different ways. The first thing is the base default language for, which we've kind of mentioned in the company information. And this basically says that my default for is, say, English. And then any fields or objects or any customizations I'm doing, I'm going to do in the English language. Then we have the language settings, where we say that these are the optional languages that supports and that the users can change to. So at the moment, we're supporting all the different languages in this box down here. But if I wanted to change my language as a user, because we're supporting all these different languages, we can dive into clicking My name, clicking My Settings, clicking Personal, clicking Language, and clicking Time Zone. And here as a user, I've got the option to change my language so I can flick into French if I want. Because French, we're saying, is a supported language in the settings, everything, as you can see, turns to French. And let's flip back to English again. Cool. And here we go back to the setup. But one thing to understand about the language settings is that at the moment, we're allowing all these different languages. But if I create a field or an object, I'm going to be creating them in English because English is the default language for the ORC. So if I then have a user that's using the interface in German, they'll see everything in German except for that field that I've created, which is in English. So it may get a bit confusing to the user because the user is now seeing everything in German except for those customizations. Now, within the setup, there is this thing called the translation workbench, which allows you to make that translation of that field into the German language. But if you're going to support all these languages, you're essentially saying that you're going to change every customization put in. You're going to do a translation for each of them. Now it's up to you. You could support them all and tell your users, look, some will be in English, some will be in your regular language. Or it may be that you translate every single field and customization you do into the languages you support; it's completely up to you. Or if you want to, you can say, "Well, actually, we only support English in this." So, hard luck, you can't change the language. Oh, I forgot about the Norwegian pick save. And now the user has only the option for the English language. Now, let's take a look at the Data Protection and Privacy section within the company profile. Now, there are a couple of reasons why this section exists in Salesforce. The first is the legal aspect. Countries all over the world have been adopting tighter data protection and privacy laws, and so Salesforce has created some features to help you comply with these different global laws. Secondly, the core Salesforce platform integrates with other systems like SalesForce, Marketing Cloud, and Pardon. And some of the features are designed to resolve some of the integration and privacy issues with connecting these systems together. Finally, enabling data protection and privacy solves an issue with Salesforce that has been around for several years, and that is that you could have a customer's or individual's information across multiple objects. In Salesforce, for example, you could have a field that is Do Not Email on the Lead, Contact, and Person account objects, and a customer could have one of every single one of these records. So if that one customer has a Do Not Email flag on leads, contacts, and accounts, which one is the correct one? Worse still, the individual could have multiple records within these objects, which makes things even more complicated. Now, systems like Par Dot or Marketing Cloud use email addresses to uniquely identify people. So you don't get duplicate email addresses in Pardot Marketing Cloud, so it's less of an issue. But in Salesforce, this isn't the case, so it's hard to determine which information should be synchronised to these systems. Also, you may actually want duplicate contacts for an individual. For example, this particular person has moved companies, and you want to keep a record that they were at the previous company. So legitimately, you may want to have two contact records for the same person, which doesn't really help data protection laws. So Salesforce resolves a lot of these issues with an object called Individual, which appears when you enable data protection and privacy in your organization. As a result, many leads, contacts, and person account records can be linked to a single individual record. So now you have a single source of the truth on whether you should email that customer or not, because that one customer could only have one individual record, and you can assign all those contacts, leads, and personal account records that they all legitimately own to the individual record. The additional benefit now is that if you integrate with Salesforce, Par, Dot, or Marketing Clouds, there is only one record that represents this customer's data privacy and protection information, so they can all be stored on that one individual record, and Par, Dot, and Marketing Clouds could then integrate as well with that one record to update their privacy information. So let's take a look at how we enable this. So to enable data protection and privacy, all you need to do is select it from the left-hand menu now under "company profile," and all you have to do is click Edit, click the box, and then click Save. So this allows you to see that individual object within Salesforce, and there's only a couple more things you need to do, which is to add the individual field to the lead contact and personal account page layouts, as well as give access to the individual object users in their profiles. So you may want to add it as a tab here as well. Now, I'm not going to go through this right now because you're going to learn a lot more about that later on in the course. So if you do have any more questions about what we've gone through, please be sure to post a message on the message board. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you in the next video.

6. User Management

Okay, in this section we're going to talk about user management. We're going to go through creating a Salesforce user, choosing the correct profile for the user roles, permission sets, and also having a look at future licences that you can attach to a user in Salesforce, and then go through kind of the common managerial things that you'll need around managing a user. So this could be understanding the login process, freezing and unfreezing users, and what to do when a user leaves the company, freezing and disabling that account. Then we have login history and reset passwords and things like that. So let's jump straight in. So, if we go into your Salesforce setup and simply click on Manage Users or Users, and of course, you can still do a quick search to find the users, we get to our user list. Now there are three main things you can do from here. You can just create a new user, which I will be doing in a second. You can reset a user's passwords. Now this is a mass reset, so I can basically select all the users I want to reset passwords for, click this button, and it will send an email out to those users asking them to reset their password. So this is good if you want to do a mass reset, but you can also do this on the individual user's record as well. So they'll get an email, click the link, and then it allows them to reset their password, which is pretty standard. And then we can also add multiple users. So, if we click this button, it basically gives us a review of all the different types of licences that are available to us within In your, this list is probably going to be much smaller than this one because we're in a Salesforce is going to give you access to a lot more different licence types so you can kind of play around with them, but typically you'll see just your licenses, so it kind of tells you how many you have left. There's also a Salesforce Platform, or, license. Now, these basic licence types give you different access to different things. So, a standard Salesforce user licence essentially gives you access to potentially everything on the core platform. So leads, accounts, contacts, and opportunities for Shebang, and then the Salesforce platform, or licenses, essentially give you less functionality. So it may be that the accounts, contacts, opportunities, and all these kinds of standard objects are not there. And literally, you just have the pure Core Platform where you can create custom objects for those users that have those licenses. However, in general, you'll only be interested in Salesforce licenses. And this basically allows you to create a large number of users with a single license. So I can click SalesForce here and then start creating one or many licenses. I've only got one licence here, so it's only allowing me to create one. But if I say, "Chat free licence type," I can create a lot more users. And the chatter, which is free, is simply a user who can access chatter. They can't access any other objects within SalesForce. So it's good if you want to get your entire company collaborating using chatter, but you may not need access to the entire salesforce or spend money on the license. Okay, so let's dive back into the user section and let's create a new user. So I want to create a new user, so I'm going to click new user. So the first thing is to create a first and last name. The moment I click Tab, it kind of creates an alias. So this is what appears when the user creates an update record. You'll see it at the bottom of the records. It will say "last modified by," and it will show a small image, and then they will be aliases." Now I usually kind of change the alias to their first initial or their first name. And then Johnston doesn't quite, and you're kind of limited on the number of characters you have. So I usually leave it at that and then enter their email address. So I'm going to add Francis and James as cloud gurus, followed by their usernames. So it's the same as when we were setting up This username has to be unique, so you can't use the same username that's being used somewhere else on the platform. It may be that you try to create a user record using your company's email address and it doesn't work. And it may be because they've actually created their own developer, Sam the, somewhere. So that could be an issue, but I'm going to keep it like that. I'm going to leave these all as required fields because they've got the little red bar against them. These aren't. I'm just going to leave them blank. Then we have the right-hand side of the user creation screen. The first consideration is the role. Now we'll talk about security and go into more detail about it later. Consider a role as a role, as a hierarchy, as a company hierarchy. We have the CEO at the top, followed by your teams and the people within those teams. And selecting the role is basically saying, dependingon how up the role, the hierarchy theyare, the more access they have access, theyhave two different records in salesforce. So I'm just going to give myself the CEO role. I'm also going to pick the license. I'm going to pick the standards-based Salesforce licence and then the profile. So the profile is the basic security settings for that user. All the standard permissions that you want to give access to this user So I'm going to give them the standard user access for this particular one. It essentially means that they should have general access to all objects but no administrative functions. So, being able to change anything in the setup menu and such. There are read-only profiles, which basically give the user read-only access to everything, as well as a couple of custom profiles, and then there's the system administrator, who has access to everything. So I'm just going to give standard user fornow and then we have these feature permissions. So the feature permissions are giving access to functionality within Salesforce in addition to the standard core product. So if I click this marketing user, that basically allows users to create marketing campaigns within SalesForce. If I didn't click this, they wouldn't be able to create campaigns in SalesForce. The new button on campaigns just wouldn't be there. And also, there's offline access to knowledge, so there's salesforce knowledge access if there are users for that service cloud.If you've got service cloud licenses, this basically says I want to give that service cloud licence to that user. The same is true for knowledge, as these are all separate add-on products to salesforce, as well as These are all feature licences that you need to buy from Salesforce separately, and then you get So is a product that allows you to search Dan and Bradstreet data as well as individual profiles; this information is publicly available within, so you can obtain it and use it for lead generation and other purposes. But the way this is licenced currently is that you get charged per contact, which you kind of pull down into your or take a look at. So here you can select how many records users can download in a one-month period, basically. Then we have some other non-kinds of feature licence permissions. So if they're a colorblind accessibilitymode also the quick access menu. So this is this little menu on the left. If I can get to it, there's a little arrow here that allows me to create fields, objects, and things like that. So, if they're not an admin, you might want to turn that off while still allowing forecasting of some non-required fields, such as mailing address information. Then we put up this single sign. So, if you're using a single sign-on solution—say, that Microsoft login that you want to make transparent to the user logging into Salesforce—you may need to put information in there; otherwise, ignore it. Then there are the locale settings, which we discussed earlier in the course, but this is where you initially set their locale for them when they set up, but they can change these local settings themselves later on. And then we've got manager and delegated approver; this is for approval management. Again, we'll get into this a little later, but you can select the user, their manager. So potentially it could be me, which can be used in approval processes and things like that. And then finally, we got this check box that says "Generate password and notify the user immediately." So if I click this button, they're going to send me an email immediately with the link to log straight into Salesforce and choose a password. So I think that's all about everything I need to—actually, I'm going to give them a knowledge licence as well. I think I've got some knowledge licences left. I think that's about it. They're standard users. Yes. Or a good save. So that then uses one of those Salesforce licenses, and now I don't have any of my Salesforce licences available, and that is it. We've now created that user. Instead of the previous method, if you want to check the licences on what you have available, you can simply go back into the company information, scroll down, and you'll see those user licences and total licences used. So I've got no Salesforce licences remaining now. And here are these kinds of feature licenses, or some of them Oh, there are feature licences here. So I've used my knowledge, and yes, I've got none left of those feature licenses, and as for service cloud, I don't have any service cloud licences left now. Okay. So now if I check my email, I should have that email saying that the user has been created. So if I dive in, here it is, and you can see it here. I've got my login and the listing link that I need to click. When I click that link, it'll dive to Salesforce and ask me to create a brand new password, and this is what the user will get when you create that user. So new password, security settings, and then change password," and they're in Salesforce. But I'm not going to do that just now. Let's dive back to the users, and I'm just going to show you some more of the settings around the user management. So we've kind of selected and created the user. We selected those feature permissions.If we scroll down a little further, we'll see permission set assignments. So permission sets are additional permissions that you can give to a user. It's very much like a profile, but we can kind of increase the user's permission incrementally. So if we click edit assignments, I don't actually have any permission sets on here, but we will be creating one a bit later on. But all you do is select the permissions that you want to give them and apply them to their user. Very easy. If we can scroll down a bit further, we then have public groups and queues that you can assign the user to. We'll go over this in more detail later, but this is queuing that is used for when leads come in and you want to sign them to a specific queueor groups of users and groups in a similar way, but for different features within Salesforce, such as knowledge and communities. But we'll go through that a bit later on. That is me as a manager for the team down here. This is a more advanced user feature that you cannot view. so many connected apps. So if they connect to an app that isn't on your platform but is linked back to the user profile, you can see which apps they're using and revoke permissions and other things from within this. But again, that's a bit more advanced for the admin course or admin exam. but right at the bottom we've got the login history. So you can see here that when I click to login, I click that link to kind of create a new password. It's kind of stamped that history on the user profile. Now it just shows you the last five or so login attempts or logins. Here you can see if it was successful or if they failed to log in for some reason. And also, you can see what type of login it was. So, was it a browser login, as in me logging in through the browser, or could it be their mobile device or another app? So they've made a connection using an external app, and that external app is kind of logging in for them. And you can download the last six months' history by just clicking this link, which is great, but from this you can also see if they block themselves out. So if the user tries to attempt to login a couple of times and gets their password wrong, this will lock the user's account out. And when you scroll up to the top of this, you'll have a button saying "Unlock" appear. And really, now you've got kind of two options. If a user kind of brings it up and goes, "I can't log in, my password doesn't work," For starters, they've probably forgotten their password, or they know it and have just messed up. Now, if you click the unlock button, this basically unlocks their account so that they can now try and log in again. However, it is possible that they have still forgotten their password and have locked themselves out of their account. So another option is toclick the reset password button. Now the reset password button sends them a link in the email, very much like the link that we were sent when we created this user in the first place to reset the password. So you basically got two options unlock the accountand again to try and log in again, orreset the password which fires the email out andthey have to think up a new password generally. Now this user isn't logged out, so it might be that they ring up and say, I just can't remember my password." Can you reset it for me? And I actually prefer to get users to do it themselves rather than click me, kind of going into the account and clicking "reset password" for them because on the login page we have the "Forgot your password" link. This is basically trying to change their behaviour so that you can reset their password for them because you'll find you get a lot of requests for people who have forgotten their password, and if they just use that link on the login page, it's a lot easier and will save you a lot of time. So I kind of generally pretend that I don't know how to reset their password on the system and that they have to do it through the "Forgot Your Password" link. The other feature you'll see is free. Now there's one button that, actually, you'd think should be here but isn't, and that's delete. Now, in Salesforce, you can't delete user records. There's just no way of doing it because there's the potential that this user record has access, has created records and features, and is kind of tied into so much within the platform that it just can't be deleted. You have two options for what you can do. You can either freeze the account now; this basically just stops them from logging in. If I freeze this account now, James can't log in. So that's an option. But if they're completely leaving the company, what you need to do is deactivate that user. So if you click Edit and then click the active button, you'll see this message pop up that says deactivating users removes them from all delegated groups and sharing privileges. The following page prompts you to remove this user from any teams. You can still transfer the user's records to an active user and view the user's name under Manage Users. So this is basically saying you're going to take this user out, they're going to lose access to their groups, and you're going to have a lot of records potentially in Salesforce that are still assigned to them, but you can reassign those records to somebody else. So I'm going to click Deactivate and Save, and now I've deactivated that user because, essentially, you've still got potentially relevant information about that person within SalesForce. So if that is an issue for your company because you can't delete the record, I just clear out this information and just say "deleted" or "deleted user," or give it kind of a reference to say what the old user's details are, so that information is not there anymore. So that's about it for user management. As I previously stated, we will go over security in greater detail later on. But that should give you an overview of creating users and managing user processes.

My First App

1. Learning Objectives

After completing the first section of the course, which focused on the organisational aspects of course setup, as well as managing users within the platform and just getting a sense of how the UI fits together, Next, we're going to be looking at creating an app in SalesForce. Now this is actually going to be quite an in-depth or detailed section of the course. We'll go over a lot of groundwork before we get into reporting and processing, as well as process management. So in this section of the course, we're going to be looking at understanding the standard object model within SalesForce, which is quite important for the exam. We're going to look at how to personalise Salesforce, how we create an app, and how we kind of link our objects and things to that app. We're then going to be creating some objects for the app. We're going to put fields on there and learn about what they are and how they can be used. Then we're going to look at object relationships. Now there are different types of relationships within Salesforce, so we're going to understand what the differences are and how they can be useful. Then we're going to look at the search and tab layouts, creating them and customising them to what you want to display. Then we're going to look at list views, which are really handy things for displaying data to your users. Then we're going to look at page layouts, which represent the data in different ways for your different types of users. Then record the types. We look at Chatter for the collaboration features, then mobile and the apps you can use on tablets, mobiles, and things like that. Then we're going to look at the Outlook synchronization. And then finally, we're going to look at AppExchange and the use cases for App Exchange. So let's dive in. So the app we're going to be creating is an invoice app. Now I pick the invoice app because it's kind of a common thing that people may want in their organisation and also because it has a good structure to it, which you can kind of reuse for other purposes, which is quite good. Now, like with all apps and things you're going to create in Salesforce, it usually starts off with some requirements. So this is my requirement for the invoice app, and the requirement is to replace the existing invoice spreadsheet and bring it into SalesForce. This is how I usually get requirements. It's like a one-liner saying we want to do this, and you really need to then dive in and figure out what they actually mean, have a look at the spreadsheet, and kind of decipher what that actually means because there could be all kinds of processes and stuff around that invoice spreadsheet that you don't know. So I've created an invoice spreadsheet. So if we just dive in here, this is my invoice spreadsheet. You can see here that it's got some columns along the top. So we received an invoice number, which is an incremental invoice number. We got an invoice date, company name, and individual response from the company, asking what the status of the invoice is and if it's overdue. Then we've got some tax information, the total amount of the invoice, and some invoice products, basically. And finally, we got the note column. So here we are; we have the total number of guys, 123-45-6789 columns. And so we're going to look at modelling thiswithin salesforce and then look at maybe bringing inthe data as well a bit later on.

2. Understanding the Standard Object Model

Now, what do I mean by this? So, when you're creating an app in Salesforce, it's really important to understand what other objects are inside Salesforce. So your app kind of sits nicely with all the rest of the data in the cells. And Salesforce has a number of these standard objects that have a kind of standard format for storing information about accounts, individuals like contacts and salespeople, and information like opportunities, which we kind of glossed over a little bit so far. So we have accounts, contacts, and opportunities, but what we need to look into is how these objects relate to one another, how these standard objects relate to one another, and how our invoice app will fit in with those standard objects. Now, Salesforce's got a really great tool for kind of visualising this, and it's called the Schema Builder. So if we dive into the setup menu and just search for schema, you'll see this option in the setup menu called Schema Builder. So if we click on that, then this page pops up. So you might have some objects already displayed in here or not, but we're going to start from a blank canvas. So if you just click the objects tab, make sure that is visible, and click clear all, we get this blank canvas. And now we can select all the different objects we want in Salesforce to appear on our Schema browser. So here are all the standard objects. So we haven't created any custom objects that aren't our own. These are just all the "pure" standard objects from Salesforce. So I'm going to start off with accounts. So I just click that once, and then I'm going to click down here just to bring it into view. This is basically a little sneak preview. It's kind of a map of where all the objects are. And if we add more, I can kind of click more. So if I click Contact, as you can see here, the Contact objects appear just up here. But if I scroll it over here, it now comes into view, so I can see both of them. But if we go back to the account, I just basically clicked on Account, and this has popped up the Account object. And you can see in here that it's got all the fields, and I can scroll up and down. And these are all the standard fields on the Account object. So an account, as we mentioned before, is like a company. So we've got the account name. So the company name, maybe the account number, the owner of this account So if you're the person within your organisation that's responsible for this account, you can say if it's active and see the field types. So here we can see that the account site is just a text field. And those 80 in brackets mean the number of text characters that you can fill in that field. So basically, you can only put in up to 80 characters in there anymore, and it just won't work. or you'll truncate the field. Then we have account source which is pick list which is adrop down list which we'll go into a bit later on. We have currency fields; we've got address fields here. Then we got "lookup," which is a relationship to another object. And if we carry on scrolling down, you'll see all the rest of the fields. But let's put on that contact object again. So I'm just going to click that there, and I'm going to use this little map to scroll it over. Now you can kind of drag these around to make them a bit more visible. So I'm just dragging it over here. Now, again, we've got all these fields, but you can see that there are these lines that are appearing between the objects, and these are the relationships between them. So you can really see how the objects are related. So if we look at the contacts now, if we go back into our, if I go back into SalesForce now, let's load up a contact record and take a look at it. So I'm just going to pick a random contact record. Here it is: this is Jane Johnston's record, and you can see here that it's got a name, an account name, a title, department reports to phone numbers, and everything else in between. And you can see in here that these are all the fields that I can see on that screen, as well as a couple more that aren't appearing at the moment. But if we scroll off the top, you can see there's this account name field, which is the lookup for the account. And as I move this around, you'll notice that there's this little relationship, and if you roll over that little link there, it says Lookup relationship from a contact to account. And you can see that this field has a line that extends all the way to account, implying that it is linked to this account. Now, if we have a look at the contact information, there's the same field, the account name, and you can see that it actually is related to this account. It's a lookup for the account object. So if I click on this, it's going to jump me through to the account object. So you can see that the contact and the account are linked. So if we dive back to, You'll see that these two objects are related by the line. But also, you'll see that there's this little fan. This combination of three small lines indicates that the account and contact objects are linked. But they're related in a one-to-many relationship, which basically means that for every one account, you can have many contacts linked to it. So if the line had a fan on the other end, it would be saying I could have one contact and many accounts linked to it. So an easy way to remember this is if we dive back to our account object, which is here. You can see here we've got the fields at the top, but as we've shown, we've got contacts here, and we've also got other lists underneath this, and these are basically the related lists. So, wherever you have a related list, there must be something looking up the account. So you can see here that the contact must have a field on it called Account to look up the account record. So you can say that there is a one-to-many contact relationship here, but this also applies to opportunities, cases, activities, and all the other related lists on this page. You can also say this opportunity has one to many opportunities" relationship between the account and the opportunity object. So if we go through to Opportunities, we can see here that yes, it's also got a field on it saying accounts, so that's that one-to-many relationship, and then if we look at the opportunity of it further down, you can see there are other related lists to this as well. So from account, we've traversed down to an opportunity, and then from the opportunity, we can traverse again down to a list of products. So, if we go back to schema builders, we have our account and your contact, and we've just moved on to opportunities. So let's turn that one on. So on it goes, and you can see here that it's put it right down at the bottom, down here, out of the way, which is a bit annoying, and you can scroll down and you can grab it and kind of try and drag it back up. But there is a quite cool little option called "Auto layout," so if you click this, Salesforce will try and kind of reorder the objects in a way that's nice to view, but sometimes it kind of fails. So this has probably not done it in the best way, so I'm going to actually put my account over that way, but at least it's kind of brought them together a bit and brought my account down. Let's put my account there we can see here again we'vegot that line that one too many says one account tomany opportunities because we've got when we look at an accountwe can see the related list of opportunities many opportunities solet's add the products on as well. So, once again, the results of travelling all the way down here. Let's see if I can drag it up there and once again, we have this one to many relationship, and you can see here that the opportunity product has a field called Opportunity that links up to my opportunity, which makes that one to many relationship, and then from Opportunity, we can see we have the account name, which again makes that one to many relationship. Okay? And yes, but think of it as you getting lots of stuff from that related list on your account to show the opportunities. But then Opportunity has a relationship with Opportunity products. And again, if we go back to our account objects, we can add some more objects as well. So what other ones? Many relationships. So we've got actual cases on hand. So now that we have cases, let's find the case object. Now, cases are basically support issues for Salesforce. So if any of your customers have a problem with something, you can kind of log it as a case. And you can see here that the lines are getting really crazy. Let's zoom out a little bit so we can kind of see them off. Let's talk a little more. So you can see that, actually, the case has no relationship to the Opportunity object. Opportunity just links to an Opportunity product and account. Now this does actually link; the Opportunity does link to other objects, but because we don't have it in the main area, if you have the object on it won't show the link. But as you can see, let's go to contract. So contract here, there's a field that looks up contract, so we can also bring in the contract. And we can see that the single contract took advantage of numerous opportunities. You can then kind of start building these relationships and see how all your objects fit together. And you can see where our invoice app is going to fit in the melee of Salesforce objects. But yeah, you can't have to shift them around until they're kind of useful. Contacts are usually in the centre of the world, as are accounts. So I kind of keep those in the middle, then. Cases are kind of on their own; contracts were kind of more related to opportunities. But you can see now that we're kind of building up these kinds of relationships and seeing how all these objects sit together.

3. Creating an App & Personalizing Salesforce

Onto creating an app and really personalising salesforceto make it salesforce really kind of feellike it's part of the company. The first step in accomplishing this is to develop an app. Now this is one of the very first things I do when I get set up on a new So when you first kind of log into SalesForce, it doesn't really feel like it's part of the company. We have these apps here. They're all kind of generic apps. There is no way that kind of statement speaks about the company. Now, we did talk about changing the home page a bit, but there's one big thing you can do: create a new app in the menu that has the name of the company but is also personalised, and change the logo at the top. To do this, go into the setup search for apps, and then click apps to get to the build create app section, where you'll see all of the standard apps that come with Salesforce. And you can see that there are actually standard apps, which these are. Then you've got console apps, and then you've got your custom apps. Now we haven't created any custom apps yet, so there are none there. But if you look at the drop-down list up here, you can see they kind of match the list. You can see there are a couple missing. There are essentially two main styles of that. There are your main tabbed apps like the ones you have here, and then you have your console app. So, your standard app and console app Now you'll see here that the sample console doesn't appear in my list, and that's because I don't have access to that app, and you'll probably find it the same as well. So if I want to see what this console looks like, I'm going to have to dive into my permissions to change them. Now the first thing I do is search for my user. So I'm going to do Francis Tinder and hit enter on that. That's now going to search Salesforce for the user. That's me. And I click on my name, and I get through to my user record. And you can see here that my profile is the system administrator profile. So this is the profile that doesn't have permissions. And you can also set these permissions and permission sets, but we'll kind of get into that a bit later in the security course module. So we'll click the system administrator, and now we're into the profile. I'm not going to dive too much into this. We just want to see what apps we've got that will sign on and give us permission to use that console app. So I'm going to click "assigned apps," and you can see all of the apps for which I have permissions listed here. As you can see, I do not have access to the sampleconsole app. So I'm just going to click Edit on here, just give myself access to it, and click Save so we can see what the difference is between the two different apps. So go back to our home page. Here is my Apps app with all my tabs open. This is the standard app. And now you'll notice that we have a sample console in here. So if we dive into the sample console, the UI kind of changes quite a bit and turns into this tab layout. So now, when I click on the account name, it opens in a new tab. I can then click a contact that then kind of puts it within the context of the account, and you can go on like this. And then I can even go back to accounts, load up another one, create a new tab, and again, I can do this again and again and again, and I can flick between the different accounts. Or it could be cases where you're working off and such. You can also add new tabs, and you can close the tabs down. So it's kind of a nice way to work. But this is what the console looks like, and all your tabs have essentially disappeared. And then, kind of, you have a list of a couple of them here, and that's about it. And to get to your apps now, it comes into this little box here, and you can kind of navigate back to the app that we were originally using, which was the Sales app. So we're going to do that. Click back to Sales. So that's basically a very quick look at the console. But what we want to do is create an app that's a standard app that just has tabs along the top that we can customise to fit our invoice app that we're going to create. So let's dive back into setup. You'll notice there is a button here that says Add App. Now if you click on this, you kind of get a feel for how everything fits together. So if I wanted to create an invoice app now, I could call it Invoice Here or Invoices App. I could then type invoices here and then invoices here. And what this is doing is using Salesforce. If you click Create now, Salesforce will create an app called Invoices App. It will then create an object called invoice, and then it will add that object to the tab navigation and call it invoices. which is great. It's fine. It's a quick way of doing it. But to be honest, I very rarely use this. And that's because you're usually just adding objects as a tab, or you're creating an app and linking existing tabs to it. and I don't really find much use of it. It's very quick to create an app, but we're going to actually not use this and do it the hard way. Yes, I know, but it does make a lot more sense. So search for apps. I'm actually already on it. But yeah, if it's not, just click the apps on the left-hand side. And now I'm going to click, and now it's going to ask me: Do I want to create a custom standard custom app or a console app? We've seen the console. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to create a custom app. I'm now going to give it a name. Now, when I'm starting the company, the first app I create is the company name. So I'm going to call this Radnip Studios, which is a kind of fictitious company name. And then it asks you to insert an image. Now, basically, you can be anything you like. and it basically puts the image up here. When you choose that particular app, it does need to be 300 pixels wide by 55 pixels high. Any image bigger than that in Salesforce will reject the file. And then you can click Insert Image to insert it. Now when we do this, you'll find that the image doesn't exist because we haven't uploaded it to Salesforce yet and it's not in our list. So before we can add the image, you can't add it from here. You have to add it to Documents within Salesforce because this is basically your Documents list and we don't have any yet. So I'm going to leave this window open. I'm going to just right-click on the plus sign and click open a new window, which is going to show all the tabs that I've got access to so that I can access the Documents tab because that is not in my list of tabs in this Sales app. So I'm going to dive into documents. I've now can choose the folder thatI want to put these logos in. So I'm going to create a new folder called Logos. Now Salesforce will give it a unique name. Then I'm going to basically say this is public. This is a public folder, but it's read only.and you can set some permissions around folders in Documents. But I'm going to kind of keep it accessible to all users. But you can stay hidden for all users, so you are the only person accessible. Or you can select different roles within Salesforce or public groups, or the role and subordinates in it. But we'll kind of get into the security a bit later on. But for now, I'm going to just say the folder is accessible to all users, and they all have read-only access to it. So I've created this folder now, and I now want to upload my document to it. So I'm going to click New Document. I'm going to give it a name: logo. The moment you hit tab or click into the field, Salesforce will generate a unique name. Now the important thing to click is the externally available image. Otherwise, you won't be able to select it from the list. Pick the folder that you want. So I'm just going to put it into the public folders. And now I'm going to choose the file. So I'm going to click Browse on here, and I'm just going to select my image. Finally, in step three, I'm going to click "Save." That saved the logo for Salesforce. And there we have it. Cool. So now my logo is in Salesforce. So if I go back to the other tab where I was creating the app, I can now click Insert an image, and then I just select my file locations so it's not in my personal documents. I created a new folder called Logos. So there it is, and there it is. There's my band's studio logo. So I click on that, and it's there. so happy with that. So I'm going to click next. Now we decide what tabs we're going to have. So at the moment, I've got all these tabs along with the Sales app, but they're currently selected for my new app. It's just getting home. So I'm going to kind of follow this a little bit. So I'm going to put in chatter. I can find it in there. That's chatter. Then add campaign leads, but you can do it in any order you want. Now I tend to do it in order of record creation. So, for example, you wouldn't create a contact without first creating an account. And it kind of follows the flow. So you may start off with a campaign, a roadshow, or a seminar you're doing, and you kind of pick up leads from that campaign. As a result, they come with lead records. And those lead records, once they're qualified, could turn into companies and contacts. And then that contact might have an opportunity for you, which could be a sale. And from that sale, you could generate ideas and things like that to improve your company. So I kind of follow that kind of flow on the tabs. But we'll keep whizzing along. So contacts, opportunities, and you can actually press the ike to jump down to things and F. OK, so I sped up the video there because I was kind of trying to figure out what tabs I wanted. Now I've kind of added a new one. So I've kind of copied the same order. The only thing is I've added ina people, which is kind of cool. It basically lists all the people in your company. So it's a great kind of roller deck of employees. So I'm going to leave that in. I'm just going to set my you can setthe homepage, the landing page for your app. I'm going to keep it as a homepage because I know I can customise that and make it my own. Then I'm going to click next. And Next is saying, what profiles are you going to give access to this app? This is the same way I gave myself access to the console app. We can give different profiles access to this new Radnip Studios app. So, I am actually just going to give it to everybody. And also, I'm going to make it standard for standard users and system administrators. So this basically means that when I create a standard user, this is the app that they will first land on when they first kind of get into Salesforce. So I'm going to click Save on that, and voila. My Radnith Studios app has been created. And you can see now that it's highlighted as custom. And I didn't give it a description; I was bad. But yeah, you should write a good description when you're creating it. So it's kind of clear what this does. But most importantly, now if we click on the dot-dot-down box, we get Radnip Studios. And if you click on it, this lovely logo appears. It looks like I didn't put a transparent background on it. So you are being a white box, but essentially that is it. Now if you want to download this image, it's on the left side of this video. So you can grab it from the resources, and you can kind of upload the same image. But if you have your own and want to play around, then do so. And if you have any questions around trying to change the image to the right size and stuff, just ask them in the discussion, and I'll get back to you, if you will, from support. And there we have it—a nice and personalised salesforce.

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Premium VCE files have been developed by industry professionals, who have been working with IT certifications for years and have close ties with IT certification vendors and holders - with most recent exam questions and some insider information.

Free VCE files All files are sent by Exam-labs community members. We encourage everyone who has recently taken an exam and/or has come across some braindumps that have turned out to be true to share this information with the community by creating and sending VCE files. We don't say that these free VCEs sent by our members aren't reliable (experience shows that they are). But you should use your critical thinking as to what you download and memorize.

How long will I receive updates for Salesforce Admin Premium VCE File that I purchased?

Free updates are available during 30 days after you purchased Premium VCE file. After 30 days the file will become unavailable.

How can I get the products after purchase?

All products are available for download immediately from your Member's Area. Once you have made the payment, you will be transferred to Member's Area where you can login and download the products you have purchased to your PC or another device.

Will I be able to renew my products when they expire?

Yes, when the 30 days of your product validity are over, you have the option of renewing your expired products with a 30% discount. This can be done in your Member's Area.

Please note that you will not be able to use the product after it has expired if you don't renew it.

How often are the questions updated?

We always try to provide the latest pool of questions, Updates in the questions depend on the changes in actual pool of questions by different vendors. As soon as we know about the change in the exam question pool we try our best to update the products as fast as possible.

What is a Study Guide?

Study Guides available on Exam-Labs are built by industry professionals who have been working with IT certifications for years. Study Guides offer full coverage on exam objectives in a systematic approach. Study Guides are very useful for fresh applicants and provides background knowledge about preparation of exams.

How can I open a Study Guide?

Any study guide can be opened by an official Acrobat by Adobe or any other reader application you use.

What is a Training Course?

Training Courses we offer on Exam-Labs in video format are created and managed by IT professionals. The foundation of each course are its lectures, which can include videos, slides and text. In addition, authors can add resources and various types of practice activities, as a way to enhance the learning experience of students.

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How It Works

Download Exam
Step 1. Choose Exam
on Exam-Labs
Download IT Exams Questions & Answers
Download Avanset Simulator
Step 2. Open Exam with
Avanset Exam Simulator
Press here to download VCE Exam Simulator that simulates latest exam environment
Step 3. Study
& Pass
IT Exams Anywhere, Anytime!


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