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13. Views, Load & Export

In this lecture, we'll talk about load, export, and use. Let's get back to the application. So, under the Data option, you have an option to edit the data in Excel. If you click on this, you will get all the data in an Excel file. And where you can make your changes, you can export the data. This will export it as a zip file, which will have a CSV file within it. and this is to import Get. That is to import the data. You can get data from another external source or from Excel. Let us look at the views. So, these are all the default views created for yourTable prospect, which we have created in previous labs. Let us create a new view. Name it as my prospect. And this is the UI that will come up. On the left, you have View. On the left, you have table columns, and on the right, you have various functions. So as of now, it only shows prospect names. Let us add contract, amount, forecasted revenue, probability, and stage. Now we can sort it by Prospect name. And then we can add a filter where we can say that forecasted revenue is greater than $1,000. This is a view. We can save it and publish it. And once the publish is over, we'll be able to see this in the Views list, and we can use it anytime it is published. Returning to Power Apps, you can see that our view has moved here to PowerPoint. So, you have an ad-viewed view option to edit in Data. In Excel, the option "Get data" is "Get data from external sources or from Excel." Export data into a file, which contains a CSV file. We looked at its Views option. So the database will export all the data from the entity into a different file. is then available to download and maintain the data as a CSV file. And this is why we looked at the Views page, where we created a view. On the left-hand side, we have all the available columns listed. In the middle, you have Viewcolumns. You can add a column. We also have sort and filter options on the right side. And we added a filter, too. Thank you.

14. Import Data Wizard

We will talk about import data visits in this lecture. So go to our power menu and go to the Settings admin center. In the Admin Center, we can see all the environments, and we have to go to select environments and go to Environment Settings. In environment settings under data management, we see data import results. So here we can see all the imports, and here we can also import our data. So we can select our sheet and import our data. So this is what we saw: we went to our environment settings, went to data management, and then went to the data import visit. In the data import visit, you could see all our reports, which we had already done, and we could import our new data. So Import Data can help you import data in various formats like CSV, XML, Zip, Tax, and Xcex. For CSV the data limit is file limit is eight MB andfor XML and GP it is eight MB and 32 MB respectively. And then after you select your file, you have to map the data from your source file to your fields in the entity or columns. So this is how your Important Data Visit screen will look like.You have primary fields, which are mandatory fields, and optional fields, which are not mandatory, and then these are the fields on your imported file and these are the fields from your entity. So a green checkbox means that it is mapped properly, and the fourth point means that this is not mapped and needs to be mapped. In the number of ideas column, we are not importing and we're ignoring. The first one is primary fields, all required columns; the second is mapped columns; the third are optional fields; the fourth are unmapped columns; and the fifth is ignore, and data from innode columns would be imported. So if any column in your source includes a fixed set of values, then you must match that column to a column type of option set because option set offers you a fixed set of values and your report will error out if the look of the fields does not match the record. So suppose you are mapping these fields, right? And one of these is a look at a field like "our issue is a look at a field of two options" or you can have a look at a you can have accounts," and in accounts you can have "contacts." So contacts could be in that field. So import will error if the contact fields do not match any record, if they do not match a unique record, or if your row in the import data is duplicate and there's some data validation. Also, the source and target data types must be the same type and format. The length of the target column must be equal or greater; if it is less, the target is less, and it will also error out. You must have permissions to enter data into the target column. source column must be visible on the form, and we cannot map ID values. They are generated automatically. That's all there is to it in terms of data import. It is used to import data from some files into your database. Thank you. Bye.

15. Lab: Create Cruide & Passenger Tables

This is a database table setup. Here we'll create two tables: a cruisetable and a passenger table. So cruises will have many passengers. So in the cruise table, you have a cruise ID primary name column. It will be required and searchable, and it would be hotter. number of sequels. Number three will start with 101. And like that. Now your cruise date is totally booked. Type of choice: murder, skipper, sunshine, and holiday destination. Again. Choice. Catalina. Santa Cruz. Santa Rosa. Captain. Again. Choice. Renny, Bly, and Jones And then we'll create a key cruise ID key which willbe cruise ID which they are in the primary name column. Then we'll create a passenger table. We'll have passenger ID that's permanent. column six is required, searchable, and auto-numbering It will refer back to cruiseID, which will be a lookup field. Then the passenger name will be in the text field. Gender will be choice male or female. Types of ID will again include driver's license, passport, student ID, and others. And then the passenger key will be referred back to as a passenger key. Okay. So let's go back to the application and start creating the table. Create a cruise table and schedule. The renamed column will be cruise ID. It will be required searchable and auto number. Then only the cruise date of type. As a result, we must first save the table of the type selection. Let's get all the destinations. So we have created all the columns. Let's go to Keys and add a key. It will be a cruise ID. As a result, a cruise table is created. Now we'll create passenger tables. So here you'll see that we don't start creating passenger text. Passenger ID is required. searchable, and photo number six. Then we'll create a row ID lookup field. It will go back to Cruise ID. After saving the table, I will add a key. So we have created both the tables. Let us look at relationships. You will notice that it has a one-to-one relationship with cruise lines. So there can be a lot of passengers on a cruise.

16. Business Rules

In this lecture we'll talk about business rules. So start with the lab. In the passenger table, we'll add two columns: age, which will be a whole number, and ID required, which will be two options: yes or no. So the business rule is that if the age is over 18, set IDs; otherwise, set ID required to know. So we are in passenger table already. I have already added these two columns: age, which is a whole number, and ID required, which is a yes/no field. So now we'll add a business rule. So when we go to a business rule, we have a component for conditions and a component for actions. So in the condition, we'll put a condition that the age is greater than 18 years. So the UI has come up. So this is the condition I was talkingabout entities passenger field is age and itis greater than 18 and we limit X. Now we see this condition here, and we see it here also. Then let us go to action. So this is the condition let's put action. So use this setting field value. So if age is greater than 18 years, then on passenger table sets, ID is required to be yes. We have this action set here, which is based on the value of this set field, and we can see it in this if then condition as well. Now if age is not greater than 18 years, then on the passenger ID set, ID is required to be valued at no. Let's applied. So we can see here if it is greater than 18. ID is required, yes. Otherwise ID required is no. We can say here also will validate it. Validation is successful, we'll save if it is also successful, and then we can activate. On the tophand side, you'll notice the scope OS entity. We have three possible scopes here. Activating it. So it is now activated. No one should change the scope because it is already activated. Let us go back to our apps and refresh the screen. You see, the business rule is: come here. So business rules are basically server-side logic, and they can be used by canvas and model-driven apps. So canvas apps are created in power apps, and model-driven apps are standard apps, which use standard entities created in a database. So we can use business tools to set field values like we just saw, clear field values, validate, and show error messages. And if it is a model-driven app with a standard user interface, we can do a lot more with business rules. We can use it to show hidden fields, enable or disable fields, and create business recommendations based on business intelligence. So this enabling or showing of fields is on the UI or model-driven, which is standard UI. Now, business rules have three components. One is the condition that sets the age limit at 18 if it is greater than 18 years. So it's a trigger that is used to determine if businessrule is run based on values that are added or editedin an entity then action is the actual action we'll takeso if condition is true or false then we can havecorresponding actions so an action is some logic like setting afield to a certain value that runs on either the trueor false branch of a condition and then we have scopeof the business rule we saw that we set the scopeto entity which was as default an entity applies to bothmodel driven forms and server so business rule that is usedby Kensab will always have the scope set to entity andother scopes are all forms so all model driven forms orspecific form just that model driven form thank you so hereI have created a new business tool and you see thatand scope dropdown has these values of entity all forms andinformation.

17. Relationships

This lecture is about relationships in our previous lab. We have created two tables, cruise and passenger, and we have created a relationship between them, saying a cruise can have many things, so if you go to the cruise table and under relationship, You'll see that a cruise has a relationship of one to many passengers, and similarly, if you go to the passenger table and relationship, you will see it has many to one, like many passengers are linked to one cruise. See here; if you click on it, you will see one passenger; there are many passengers for one cruise. So these relationships we have already created in our previous lab, so this is linked to the exam objective of determining which type of relationship to implement, including one is to N and N is to one, so there are only two kinds of relationships in the database now, and one is to N or N is to one is considered one type of relationship. It's the way you look at it. So a one-to-one relationship, also called one-to-n or parent-child, includes a primary parent entity; in this case, the parent entity will be a cruise that can be associated with many other child entities, which would be passengers in this case, by using a lookup field on the related child entity. So, if you recall, we created a lookup field for cruise ID in the lab on the passenger entity. Another example of this relationship will be the classroom and students. So a classroom can have many students, so the classroom will be a parent entity and the student will be a child entity, which will create a relationship between the student entity and the classroom. So, if you return here, we saw one way to create relationships where we created a lookup field, and another way is to go to this drop-down menu and create many to one too many or many too many relationships. A second type of relationship is when there are too many relationships. What can happen is that it creates another table that holds only relationships, so it includes a third entity called a relationship entity, sometimes called an intersect entity, that maps how the many records of one entity can be related to the many records of another entity. Example for this is book and author. A book can have many authors, and an author can have many books. So you cannot edit many-to-many relationships in the PowerApps portal; if you want to edit many-to-many relationships, you must use Solution Explorer if you want to look at it. I can create a money-to-manager relationship, and I can say a passenger is related to, say, a PC manufacturer, so I'm not creating it all right, so these are two kinds of relationships. Let us talk about the hierarchy of the table. So let us consider an employee entity. So an employee will have a manager who is also an employee. So that is a hierarchical relationship where an entity has a relationship with itself. So if you go to PC manufacturers table foran example and you have one to manage relationship. You can create a relationship with yourself. And this is hierarchical. You can see if it is a hierarchical relationship or not. We have a screenshot here also of "Hair Kicker." You can set a haircut within a self-referential one too many relationships by setting "is her property" to true. With model-driven apps, this enables an experience that enables you to view and interact with the hierarchy. This enables new types of fees for developers based on whether they use under or not under operations. Now, let us look at various rules for cascading. So we had this relationship created between the cruise line and passengers. So we have a lot more options under the Advanced tab. First is the type of behavior—referential, parental, and customary. If you select parental, that means you can select parental, right? This will cause all the childhood memories to be deleted when the parent is deleted. So if I set the behaviour as "parental," then if you delete the cruise, all the passengers will also get deleted. Let us say I set a referential. If I set it as referential, then delete behaviour can be remove, link, or restrict. which means that if I say "remove link," if I delete a cruise, then passengers will not be deleted, but the link between the cruise and passengers will be deleted. And if I choose restrict, then I will not be able to delete a cruise until I have deleted all the passengers first. So referentially removed. Any related record can be navigated to, and actions taken on one will not affect the other, so passengers will not get affected; only the link between the two will get removed. Referentially deleting any related record can be navigated so that action taken on the parent record will not be applied to the child record, but the parent record cannot be deleted while the child record exists. So if the passenger is there, then we cannot delete the cruise. Any action taken on a record of a parental table is also taken on the child table record. So in this case, all the passengers get deleted automatically when you delete the cruise. Let us say we have customs. In the case of custom, we can choose the behavior. So we have behaviours for deleting, deleting the record, assigning, sharing, and sharing and repairing it. And for deleting, we have the option to cascade all, remove, link, or restrict. And for all the four plus four wehave a different option of cascade all, cascade,active cascade, user owned, and cascade none. So let us understand what each of these options means. So once again, customary behavior. You can define the behaviour to delete, assign, share, unshare, and repair it. For delete, we can say schedule, remove, link, or restrict. And for everything else, we say "cascade all," "cascade active," "cascade," user all," and "none." I have a screenshot here for your reference. Cascade means we sign all opportunities over to the new owner of the contact, where all the records will be impacted. Cascade active means reassigning only active opportunities to the new owner of the contact. That means only active records will be impacted. Cascade users only sign opportunities owned by the former owner of the contact to the new owner, implying that only the records you own will be impacted. "Cascade none" means none of the records will be impacted. Now we've looked at all the possibilities—assign, delete, repair, and share and unshare. Merge is another option in Dynamics 65, and here a record is marked with another. So assign means the reference table owner is changed, and delete means the reference table record is deleted. Repairing is a similar action to sharing, except that it deals with inherited access rights rather than explicit read access rights. Share means when the reference table record is shared with another user, and unsure means when sharing is removed from the reference table record. So here you will see that in delete we have only these three options: cascade, remove, link, and restrict. And for every other, we have all four options active: cascade, no cascade, and user. assign, share, and unshare in that order So these are all the cascading behaviors. The action is carried out on all active referencing table records associated with the Reference table record by Active. We are just trying to reinforce the same idea, which we have covered in the previous slide. This is a more explicit cascading behaviour written here. All Reference table records associated with the referenced table record are cascaded. No cascade is removing anything. Link is removing the value of the pricing column of all referencing table records associated with the reference table records, so it will basically remove the association between the two entities. When we restrict, we prevent the reference table record from being deleted when the reference table exists but we cannot delete it. And user. One means that the action should be performed on all reference table records owned by the same user as the Reference table record. As a result, the child of the two records referencing and referencing must be owned by the same user for the action to be performed. So there's one more example of an objective of configuring connection rules. So we have a table settings option to enable connections. So if you go to the table cruise and/or more settings, we have the option to enable connections. It provides a flexible way to connect and describe the relationship between any two table records. If we set this option, then we can define connections between table rows without creating a table relationship. So some of the examples of a connection are friend, sibling, spouse, attendee, and stakeholder, and some of the connections can be reciprocal, like between a child and parent, a husband and wife, or a doctor and patient. So when people set up a connection between two rows, they can also add a description and additional information, such as start and end dates for the relationship. So this was a heavy electionwith lots of information in it. I would suggest you listen to it again. Thank you. Bye.

18. Relationships Explained

Let us look at this line one more time these are actions assign means you are assigning a record toe different owner delete means you are deleting a record merge is you are merging two records let us saying classroom and student kind of relationship you have two students and let's say they are duplicate and you are merging two student records into one student record repairing is you are changing the association from one parent to another so in classroom student maybe you're changing student from one classroom to another share if you are sharing the record with some other user so if you have access toe particular student record you are sharing that access and another user can also access that student record and unsure that you are revoking that share permission of that record just want to clarify actions in little more detail from previous lecture.

19. Calculated Fields

In this lecture, we'll discuss calculated fields. The first is the roll of field, and we'll create a passenger count in cruise entity. We'll add a column type of whole number, and it says roll of field, so now we create a roll of field, it will save the table first, and this is passenger count. related entity is passengers, and aggregation is the count of passengers, so this will create a roller field, and you see, roller fields perform calculations on values that are stored in a field in a related entity across one-to-many relationships, so we have a one-to-one relationship between cruise and passenger, and it is counting the number of passengers now Roller fields are asynchronous, meaning they are not updated in real time and are updated every 12 hours using a schedule system job. we can go to settings and change the frequency also from 12 hours to anything we want to but remember if we make it too short that is a system overhead and if we make it too long then the values become stale for that much time the following datatypes are supported whole number. Decibel number. Currency. date and time, so this is the limitation You are limited to a maximum of ten roller fields for each entity or table. Roller files are calculated using a scheduled job on the server and not in real time The default setting is every 12 hours, as we have talked about earlier, and because roll-up attributes persist in the database, they can be used for filtering and sorting just like other regular attributes, so that is the advantage. Next, in the calculation fields, we'll include a price column in cruise of type currency, followed by a calculated field of tax, which we'll enter as a price into point 85. We'll save the table before it creates the field 285; it will create a calculated field of text here now. The calculation field allows you to define a calculation formula that is run by Microsoft Data Wise regardless of the form that is used to edit or add data. This calculation is real-time, like scheduled roll-ups, but it happens immediately. Decimal number. Currency. Date and time: Now these are some of the limitations of the calculation fields; sorting is disabled, and if you try to sort, it will give you an error only. attribute from immediate parent entity can be used in calculated attribute and calculated attribute can reference other calculated attributes in the formula but they cannot reference themselves so if they reference themselves it might be created in finite loops so that is a validation and that is why it is not allowed thank you.

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