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Amazon AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Practice Test Questions, Amazon AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Exam dumps

Introduction & Requirements - AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate

1. SOA-C02 Course Presentation - DO NOT SKIP

Hello, and welcome to the AWS Certified Administrator Associate Course version. So two? My name is Tiffan Merck, and I will be your instructor for this course. So we're going to prepare for the SO ACTWO exam, which is a very challenging certification. I think it's the most difficult of all the Associate exams, but this course will be long and hopefully very interesting. And so I definitely recommend that you do this certification after having done at least the Solutions Architect Associate Certification or the Certified Developer Associate Certification. Now, this course is structured as an advanced course, and so some base knowledge is going to be needed for all videos and for all sections. And some videos are going to be imported from different courses of mine. So there will be some videos from my Certified Client Practitioner Course, which will be marked with the CCP tag; there will be some on the economy from the Social Architect Associate Course, which will be marked with the SAA tag; and then some from the Certified Developer Associate Course, which will be marked with the DVA tag. So the idea is that if you've done some of my previous courses, you know which lectures to skip. And I've included this base knowledge because not everyone comes with the same path. Some people will have taken some courses, others not. So I prefer to include as much information as possible, but if this is a video that you've already seen, please feel free to skip it or just rewatch it again to get a little refresher. It never helps. And so for the videos that are specific to this course, where they will not be tagged at all, they will not be marked with brackets. So this is where you'll find all of the Sysapps-specific videos in this course. Now, I want to draw your attention to something for this exam. So the SysApp exam SOC Two has exam labs. It will contain three labs, and each lab will contain different tasks. As a result, this is something new in the AWS exams. And so it was recommended to allocate 20 minutes for each exam lab. So first in your exam, you will have to answer the multiple choice and multiple response questions. And then once you're done, you will have to complete the section, and you cannot go back to it. Then you can go into the exam labs. And once you complete one lab, you go on to the next, and you cannot go back to the previous one. So it's very important for you to understand this. So first the questions, then one lab, then one lab, then one lab. Now the lab looks like this. So you will get access to this management console if you would like to click, or even the CLI if you prefer to use the CLI to work against AWS. And the instructions are going to be provided on the right-hand side of your screen, and it is expected of you at the end to provide, for example, an AWS of the result of what you've made. And this is how AWS will check your results. Now, you will not know if your exam lab will be correct or not, okay? There is no immediate feedback. Just know that once you enter the ARN, you will be complete and you will move on.


EC2 for SysOps

1. Launching an EC2 Instance

Okay, so I am in my Aatova managing console, and what I'm going to do is launch an easy instance. So I'm going to go to instances, and I'm going to launch an instance. The idea is for us to have an instance set up the same way, and then we can start operating on it and learning some specific options. So we'll use Amazon Linux Two, and I'll select this. Then I'll use the T. 2 micro. I will configure the instant-details setting. We don't change anything for the time being, but we'll learn more about it later. We'll add storage. Okay, we're good. We'll add tags. We can add the name of my first instance and then configure security groups. To have SSH on port 22 for Review and Launch, we can create a new security group called SSH. and then we can launch this instance. So we can have a keeper already set up in your account. For example, demo for me. However, if you haven't already set up a keeper, you should be able to figure out how to do so because you've previously analysed courses. So create a new key pair if you want to, or proceed with another key pair if you want to. Use easy. For instance, connect. For me, I've chosen an existing keypad, and this is a demo K pair. So I'll be launching my instance. And now my instance is launching, and I can verify I can connect to it in two ways. So number one, I can take the public IP address, and I'm going to go into my terminal. You do Smart 400, and then you provide your demo keeper file to change the permissions. Then you perform SSH easy to use at your public IP minus. I have your key and I'm connected to my instance, so it's good. And then the second way I can connect if EC Two instance Connect is available within your region, and this is a region-specific thing, so make sure it is a region where EC Two instance Connect is available, is to click on Connect, leave the username as Easy to User by default, and click on Connect. And please note, this is only going to work for Amazon. This is why it's important for you to launch Amazon X Two. As you can see here, I can say or type any command and it will work within Linux. Okay, so that's it. We're ready for this lecture. We have our easy, instant setup, and I will see you in the next lecture.

2. Changing EC2 Instance Type

Okay, so one operation you need to know about is how to change the EC 2-instance type. So, for example, you want to go from a T2 micro to a T2 small, maybe because you need more AM and more CPU for your application. So this only works if your instanced instance is an EBS-backed instance. So the steps are to stop the instance, then change the instance type, and then start the instance again. So let's connect to our instance, and first we're going to create a file on it and then also look at the available memory. So if I echo "hello" into a text file called "ello.txt," as we can see now, we have that TXT file available to us, and within it is the word "hello." Okay, if we do free minus m, it's going to give us some information about the memory on our instance. As you can see, we have 993 megs of memory. Okay? Now let's close this, or I'll keep it in the subject to compare. And I'm going to cancel this, and I want to change the instance type from it to my criteria of "small." So to do so, I'm going to stop my instance and, once the instance is stopped, I will be able to change its type. So my instance has now stopped, and what I can do is right-click instance settings and then change the instance type. So you can see we have a T-2 micro right now, but we can upgrade to a T-2 small, for example, if only to increase the size vertically, or to a T-2 nine if only to go down. Okay, but as you can see, we can also choose any kind of incident. For example, we can go into an R-5 DNforex Large, based on the instance type you choose. As you can see, you get either an EBS-optimized instance (which is enabled by default) or a t2 instance. For example, two small EBS optimizers are not supported for this instance. So EBS optimise means that you are going to have better throughput to your EBS volumes, and this is available to newer types of EC2 instances. For example, a T-3 will be an EBS-optimized type of instance. Okay? So in this example, I'll just keep it a T too small. Please note that if you do this, then you're going to get charged because the two-small is not part of the free tier. So I will just apply it. And now my instance type is small. Now when I start my instance, okay, and I'm going to start it, what's going to happen is hat my easy to instance when you stop and start an instance is going to be restarted on another physical host within the AWS data center. So that means that yes, the instance will change its hardware. Okay? But because the storage is EBS-based and this is a block device as an EBS volume, then the data will remain the same. and I will show you this in a second. So what we want to do is wait for the instance to start running. And here we go. and we want to yet again connect to our instance. So in this example, I'm going to connect again using the EC to connect. So let's try, because our instance is rebooting and I am back in my instance. So we know that there is the same instance, because if we look at the files, we have helloworld, TXT, and hello TXT. And if you look within it, we have the word "hello." So that means that our file system is the same. But if we do a free subtraction of M to look at some memories, we can see that. Now, we have 1991 megabytes of RAM available on this instance, which is different from what we had before. Okay, so this is the whole power of using this resized instance. Now, just to call yourself out, please stop your instance and make sure you go back to your T-2 micro for the reason that you want to remain within the free tier. So let's say for this lecture, I hope you liked it, and I will see you in the next lecture.

3. Enhanced Networking

Okay, so now let's talk about enhanced networking. So it is a way for you to get better networking performance for your E-2 instances. And so we have the type Srvio, which gives you higher bandwidth and higher PPS (packets per second) with lower latency. This is something that can come up in the exam, and you have two options for it. The most recent one is called Elastic Network Adapter (ENA), which gives you performance of up to 100 gigabits per second. Option two is to use a legacy Intel VF up to ten gigabits per second. So this enhanced EC-2 networking, especially the Ena Adapter, works for newer generations. EC two instances, as we will see in the hands on. And then we have the Electric Fabric Adapter (EFA), which is an improved Ethernet adapter dedicated for HPC, which is high-performance computing. It only works on Linux. The idea is that if you have a lot of internal communications that are tightly coupled because they live within the same cluster, then they're going to get better network performance talking with one another. This is going to leverage a standard called the MPI standard, which leverages the message passing interface standard. And the idea is that elastic fabric adapters perform better because your EC2 instances communicate with one another. And so it knows that, and it will bypass the underlying Linux OS to provide even lower latency with a reliable transport. The bottom line of this lecture is that if you just want to have enhanced networking for lower latency, look for ENA, the Elastic Network Adapter. And if you have an HPC cluster, then look for the EFA on top of it to improve performance. Okay, so I'm not going to be able to demonstrate EFA, but I can demonstrate ENA. So, take your instance and get started. This is my first instance of the T-2 micro, and I'm about to launch a second one, this time of the T-3 micro variety. Now, just so you know, this will not be three-tier eligible unless you don't have a TWO micro available in your region, in which case it will be three-tier eligible. So just know that this will cost you a little bit of money for the time being. So I will use a T3 micro, and I will configure the instant details. Click "next add storage," "next add tags," and "next configure security group," and I'll select my SSHSecurity Group review and launch," and we're good to go. So now what I can do is go and see both my instances in here, and so I'm going to connect to my first instance, this one of T and Micro. T2 micro is what I refer to as an older generation type of instance. So how do we know this? Well, we can have a look to see if the Ena Mud is installed first. And this is going to be installed, by the way, on every single Amazon next to the installation. So, as you can see, the ena module is loaded onto my EC2 instance when I do my info ena. It doesn't mean it's going to be leveraged because this instance needs to have some kind of capability, and T2 Micro is an older generation. So modern for ENA means that ENA is installed on Amazon Linux. Two. But if I type and I clear my screen to "ETHI ETH zero," this is going to give me some information about the driver used for my network interface. As you can see right now, it doesn't say Ena, it says this. But if I go back to my EC Two instances and now look at my T three micro and connect to it, so I will use again EC Two instance Connect. If we type Mud info ena, we get the same result because we're using Amazon Linux 2, and so the Ena is going to be installed on it as a module. Okay? But now if I type f two minus I f zero as we can see the driver is Ena and that means that we're using the enhanced networking that we need on this instance. The bottom line is to leverage enhanced networking if you have a newer generation type of EC2 instance, and if you're using Amazon Linux 2, by default, it is going to be enabled. So that's it for the quick demo. Now just to finish, please make sure to terminate your EC-2, t-3, and micro to be good to go. So that's it. I hope you liked it, and I will see you in the next lecture.

4. [SAA] EC2 Placement Groups

So now let's talk about placement groups. Placement groups are a little bit more advanced, and we want to use them when we want to have control over how our EC2 instances are going to be placed within the AWS infrastructure. So that strategy can be defined using these placement groups. So we don't have direct interaction with AWS hardware, but we tell alias how we want our EasyToInstances to be placed in relation to one another. So when you create a placement group, you have three strategies available for you. You have the cluster placement group in which your instances will be grouped together in a low-latency hardware setup within a single availability zone. This is going to give you high performance at high risk. We'll see this in detail in a second. Spread means that your instances are going to be spread across different hardware, and there is a restriction on this. That means you can only have seven easy instances per placement group, which is distributed across all AZs. When you have critical applications, you would use a spread placement group. Finally, the last one is a new kind of placement group that is really helpful. It's called partition. It's similar to the spread, meaning that you want to spread your instances, but here they're spread across many different partitions, and these partitions rely on different sets of racks of hardware within an AZ. What that means is that they're still spreading, but they're not isolated from one another failure.But a partition should be isolated from another partition that fails. The idea with this is that you can scale hundreds of issues to instances per group, and that allows you to run applications such as Hadoop, Cassandra, or Kafka. Now let's have a look at each of these placement groups in detail. For cluster, that means that all our EC2 instances are on the same rack, which means the same hardware, and they're in the same availability zone. So as you can see, all these instances are on the same hardware. And so why would you do this? Well, basically we would place them on the same rack because we want to have a cluster. We want to have super low latency and maybe a 10 GB/s network. So that means that we have an amazing network, right? But as a drawback of this great network that we have, we have the problem that if the rack fails—if there's a failure on the hardware—then all the easy two instances will fail at the same time. So we have increased our risk of having a failure that's going to be propagated across our entire stack. So when will we even use this? What is the advantage of taking on more risk in exchange for a larger network? And so for this, it means that we can have a big data job that will need to be completed very quickly. Or maybe we have a requirement to have an application that needs extremely low latency and high network throughput, and we're willing to take on the risk of having this failure. So this is something you have to realize, it's not for every kind of application but if your application is super high bandwidth and loyalty, placement groups is kind of a nice the cluster placement group is kind of a nice way of doing it. Now spread is the complete opposite and spread we want to minimise the failure risk. And so in this case, when we ask for a "spread placement group," all the easy two instances are going to be located on different hardware. As you can see here, we have three AZ and six EC 2. And each EC2 instance is on different hardware. So what does that mean? Well, what we get is that we can span across multiple AZs, and there is a reduced risk of simultaneous pan across well, because if my hardware fails, I'm pretty sure my hardware will not fail. And so we've separated the risk of my two instances in the US East one A, two fell at the same time and so that's the benefit from it. The con is that in this configuration, we're limited to seven instances per AC for placement group. So there is a limit to how big your placement group can be. And so you need to have an application that's going to be a good size, but not too big. The use case would be an application that needs to maximize high availability and reduce the risk, and in general, for critical applications, your instance failures must be isolated from one another. Remember here we have a limitation of seven instances per AZ per placement group. Now for the partition placement group, we can have instances spread across partitions in multiple availability zones, so we can have up to seven partitions per AZ. So in this example, we have partitions one and two in US East One A and partition three in US East One B. And on each partition, you can have many easy-to-create instances. So in the first one I have four, in the second one I have four, and in the third one I have four as well. So why do we use a partition placement group? Well, each partition represents a rack in AWS, and so by having many partitions, you're making sure that your instances are distributed across many hardware racks, and therefore they're safe from Iraq failure from one another. So you can have up to seven partitions per AZ, and these partitions can span across multiple Availability Zones in the same region. You can get up to hundreds of instances with the set up.So this is the difference versus the spread type of placement group. And as I said, the instances in the partition do not share the same physical rack with the instances in the other partitions, and therefore each partition is isolated from failure. So that means that yes, if one goes down, if partition number two goes down, then partition number one should be fine. And to know which partition these EC2 instances are on, there is an option to access this information by using the Metadata service. So when will you use a partition placement group? Well, when you have an application that can be partitioned to distribute the data and your servers across partitions, And the typical use cases will be partition-aware big data applications like HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, and Apache Kafka. So that's it for this lecture. I hope you liked it, and I will see you in the next lecture.

5. [SAA] EC2 Placement Groups - Hands On

Okay, so let's practice placement groups. So for this, on the left hand side of the network and security, there are placement groups, and I can create our first placement group. So I will call my first placement group my High Performance Location, and you can guess what type of placement strategy it is going to be. It has to be a cluster because we want all our instances to be grouped together. So just click on "Create Group" and here we go. Our first group is created, and it gets a group ID. We can do another placement group, and this one will be my critical application. And again, you can guess what type of placement group it is going to be. It's going to be spread because we want our application to be spread across as much hardware as possible. So we'll click on "Create Group," and then finally we can create one last group called "My Distributed Application," and this group is going to be for the partition strategy. And here we have to choose how many partitions we want to create in this placement group. We can go all the way up to seven. So we can create seven partitions and click on Create Group. Okay, so we're good to go. We have a spread of partitions and a cluster group. And now how do we launch instances into this group? Well, for this we can go into instances, launch an instance, and choose Amazon Linux to AMI. We'll select a T, two micro, Configure Instance Details, and then Placement Group on the left side. Insert an instance into the placement group. Now we can create a new placement group or add it to an existing placement group, in which case we can choose either the spread partition or cluster surge strategy and we'll be good to go. So that's it, a very simple lecture, but I wanted to show you the app, and we will not create this instance, so no worries here. And you can select to keep the placement groups if you want to, or delete them. It will not cost you any money. So that's it. I hope you like this lecture, and I will see you in the next lecture.

6. EC2 Shutdown Behavior & Termination Protection

Now let's talk about the shutdown behaviour of your easy two instances. So the question is, how should the instance react when the shutdown is done from within the operating system? so not within the console but within the OS. So, by default, it is stopped. That means that if you stop the operating system, then the EC-2 instance will stop as well. But you have a second option named "terminate." That means that if you have an EC2 instance running and you initiate a shutdown command from within, you have two options. First you stop these two instances, which is what we've seen so far. Number two is to terminate the instance—that means that it will be gone. So this is not applicable when shutting down the instance from the console. So if you stop instance by doing right click stop instance is not going to terminate it, it's only when you initiate the shutdown from within the EC two instance. And the CLA attribute for this instance initiated shutdown behavior. which makes sense because the shutdown is initiated from within the instance. The second thing to know is that you can enable a termination protection on your instance. This is to protect against accidental termination within the console or the CLI. And so an example tip is that if you have an instance where the shutdown behaviour is terminate and you still enable termination protection, then if you shut down the EC2 instance from the OS, what will happen? Well, the instance will still be terminated because you haven't been doing this from the console, not from within the OS. Okay, so let's have a look at this behavior in the console. So let's launch an instance. I have two Mi of type T, two Micro, and then I'm going to scroll down, and the shutdown behaviour I'm going to specify is terminate. So this means that when I shut down my instance by issuing a shutdown command, the issued instance is being terminated, and I will also tell you that if you enable termination protection, it will still be terminated. So, next at storage, add tags, configure security group, select the SSH security group again, and then launch my instance. Okay, so as you can see, my instance now is in the pending state, and if I try to terminate it, the instance terminates. As we can see, we can click on terminate, but it says it failed to terminate the instance because there is a termination attribute. That means that there is a protection against the termination of my instance, and to do so, we need to do instance setting change termination protection, and then we could disable it, and then we would be able to terminate our instance. We will leave it enabled because right now we want termination protection turned on. OK, so my instance is now up and running, and I'm going to connect to it with easy to instance connect, and as you can see, the instance is right here, with termination protection enabled. OK, but what I'm going to do is just do the "pseudo shut down" command, which is going to shut down my EC2 instance. What's going to happen is that this EC-2 instance will shut down, and the IRS system will be notified of it. And because of the shutdown behavior, it should terminate my instance. So the shutdown has been initiated. And this took about a minute because the shutdown command had scheduled a shutdown for a minute from now. And now the incident is terminated because the shutdown behaviour was to terminate my instance, even though my instance had termination protection on. So that's it for this lecture. I hope to see you again in the next lecture.


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